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The BQ phone and the Nexus 4



During the last few days, I've come up with a few questions which I haven't
found answers to yet:

1) Some time ago, I read that the Nexus 4 is still going to be supported
after the launch of the BQ phone.
Now I'm wondering whether the new set of scopes (Today, Nearby, etc.) will
be included in the mako images. Has that been decided on yet or is their
source code available somewhere?
2) How does the BQ phone's performance compare to the Nexus 4? I saw the
Youtube video [1] which Szymon Waliczek uploaded some days ago (thank you,
Szymon) but I found it difficult to judge from it.
3) What is going to be the development target in the future? Will the main
focus be on the Nexus 4 or the BQ phone? Or will it be some phone nobody
currently knows about?

I'd be very glad if anyone here would be so kind as to take the time and
answer one of my questions.

Thank you very much in advance. :)


[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXGbRnfqSss

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