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Re: Scopes default store behaviour


On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 9:34 AM, Rodney Dawes <rodney.dawes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
But users may not consider that to be the main focus. If as a user, I do
not want to use scopes, and am looking for apps, I shouldn't have the
app hidden from me, because I'm choosing to only view the apps in the
store. The store interface isn't about what developers want, it's about
what users want.

Response the first:

We are told, as developers, to "create unique and valuable user experiences" [1]. Part of creating a user experience is to design and guide the user on a particular path through the application. Perhaps that starts with a scope and flows seamlessly into an app, to display richer results. Perhaps is starts in an app and flows into a scope to allow querying of remote resources. Perhaps it does something more complicated. To do this, developers need to be able to specify the (default) entry point to their application. Forcing them to accept entry from any point is antithetical to providing a designed experience.

Response the second:

Why should users need to know about the technological details behind an application? If a "scopey" application uses a simple QML app to provide a feature not available in the scope, the user doesn't need to know. Nor should they care if an "appy" application turns operation over to a scope for small feature. The fact that different processes are responsible for putting pixels on the screen should not stop the user from thinking of the first as a scope and the second as an app.

In short, if a developer decides that their app+scope is a scope, we should believe them. In fact, I would argue that there should be a way for the developer to keep the app icon from showing up in the app grid, so that the only entry point is through the scope.

As a for-instance: My Gmail scope offers a pretty awful reply functionality [2], limited by the capabilities of scopes. I'm toying around with a little QML app that would allow more full-featured replies. But I wouldn't want this combined package to be listed as an app, since the QML part is designed only to be entered from the scope.


[1] http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/getting-started/design-vision
[2] Er, that's awful functionality for replies, not functionality for awful replies. The latter is coming in v2.

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