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Re: GPS / Location r21


On Thu, 2015-04-30 at 07:22 +0100, daniel Wood wrote:
> After struggling with a number of issues on the BQ handset, I reset the 
> phone through recovery. This seems to of fixed the strange network issues 
> but GPS / Location still isn't working when not connected to WIFI. 
> Where can I find the logs for the location services?
> I also seem to have a problem that the phone thinks the location is the 
> same city as whatever is set as the timezone. 
> Thanks,
> Dan 
> -- 
> Sent using Dekko from my Ubuntu device
Hi Daniel,

There are several things you can try so see what the GPS is doing.

-1 sudo dmesg | grep GPS

That will give output like:
[142058.709985] [GPS] GPS_close: WMT turn off GPS OK!
[142059.154167] GPS_open: major 191 minor 0 (pid 21501)
[142059.154506] [WMT-CTRL][I]wmt_ctrl_gps_sync_set:ctrl GPS_SYNC(4)
[142059.154526] [WMT-FUNC][I]wmt_func_gps_pre_ctrl:ctrl GPS_SYNC_SET(0)
[142059.155455] [WMT-FUNC][I]wmt_func_gps_pre_ctrl:set reg for GPS_SYNC
function okay by chip ic_pin_ctrl
[142059.155492] [WMT-CTRL][I]wmt_ctrl_gps_lna_set:ctrl GPS_LNA(2)
[142059.158530] [GPS] GPS_open: WMT turn on GPS OK!

so you know the state of the GPS.

-2 ubuntu-location-serviced-cli --bus system --get --property

Satellites with a snr > 0 are visible 

-3 dbus-monitor --system "path=/com/ubuntu/espoo/Service/Provider,
interface=com.ubuntu.remote.Service.Provider, member=PositionChanged"

But you need to switch on 
system settings -> security and privacy -> location access
-> ..anonymized wifi... i believe

logs are at /var/log/ubuntu-location-service, but i find them not that

Make sure all switches for the GPS are on:
-1 system settings -> security and privacy -> location access
-2 system settings -> battery -> GPS
-3 pull down top bar -> location -> location detection and GPS.

I hope that will help you fixing your problem.
If you have a GPS fix, please let us know if
ubuntu-location-serviced-cli --bus system --get --property
visible_space_vehicles shows any satellites that have either:
has_almanac_data   >0
has_ephimeris_data >0
or used_in_fix     >0

Kind regards,
