El día Wednesday, May 13, 2015 a las 10:05:25AM +0100, Dan Chapman escribió:
- closed OutLook in Win7
- sent an email from somewhere to the OutLook account
- started Dekko in BQ (the mail is there)
- opened the mail in Dekko
- deleted the mail (click on basket)
- the mail is dropped from the inbox in Dekko
If you didn't setup a trash folder in the mailbox behaviour settings
then Dekko hasn't dropped the message from your inbox, it's still there.
The only thing that's happened is the \Deleted flag was set on the
message. You can either scroll the header sections (All/Unread/Starred)
to the left to show the Deleted filter, where you will see the message
is there with a strike through the text. Or you can also disable hide
messages marked for deletion in the settings.
I have not setup a trash folder in Dekko.
When I go with the MUA mutt, using the same IMAP configuration as Dekko
does, to the inbox on the same OutLook server, the deleted mails are
there with the 'D' flag:
289 D May 13 JIRA (Do Not Re ( 23K) [JIRA] (SRP-21526) Konverter Marc21ToSisisTitel laesst sich n
290 D May 13 JIRA (Do Not Re ( 25K) [JIRA] (SRP-21526) Konverter Marc21ToSisisTitel laesst sich n
291 D May 13 Matthias Apitz ( 18K) test
When I now leave mutt, it is asking me if it should delete finally the
mails having a 'D' flag:
¿Expulsar 5 mensajes suprimidos? ([sí]/no):
When I now leave mutt, it is asking me if it should delete finally the
mails having a 'D' flag:
Purge 5 deleted messages? ([yes]/no):
If I say 'yes' the mails are deleted and no longer in OutLook.
What should I do to get the messages deleted with Dekko?
Thanks for your help