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Re: Application losts its dispatchers


On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 6:03 PM, Costales <costales@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm catching in uNav the URLs like: http://unav-go.github.io
> The dispatcher is here:
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~costales/unav/trunk/view/head:/app-dispatcher.json
> But I don't know why, that dispatcher was lost. The URLs are opening
> with Gmail webapp. If I desinstaled Gmail, they are opened with Google
> Maps... so weird.
> I tried to reinstall uNav, Gmail, reboot, etc, without luck.
> Please, in which file are the system dispatchers stored?
> Thanks in advance!

This works here on my device running the latest rc-proposed image.
I’ve created a test app with the following trivial piece of QML code:

  import QtQuick 2.4
  MouseArea {
    onClicked: Qt.openUrlExternally("http://unav-go.github.io/?p=37.1966,-3.62453";)

When I launch it and tap on the screen, uNav opens and after a short
while it centers the map on that position. Not sure why it doesn’t
work on your device.
One suggestion for improvement: while uNav is looking for the position
requested, there’s no user feedback of what’s going on. Some sort of
message/animation would make it more user-friendly.



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