ubuntu-phone team mailing list archive
ubuntu-phone team
Mailing list archive
Message #18681
Re: emulator
Hello again. I reach since i really need your help. You can find as
attachment an screenshot of what im facing with the emulator. Im using the
rc channel and i stuck since i cant even pass the setup steps. I get a
pointer besides the desktop one inside the emulator that i dont know how to
interact with or perform click events o anything to work with.
[image: Screenshot from 2016-03-06 13-58-58.png]Please help.
On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 11:18 AM Yasmany Cubela Medina <yasmanycm@xxxxxxxxx>
> Hello.
> Im trying to develop an app and im using the emulator to test it, sadly i
> do not have an ubuntu phone and cant buy one since dont have the money.
> Im having issues to pick the right channel and image to create the
> emulator.
> Can please point me to the right one so i can keep with my idea.
> Thanks so much for the help.

Follow ups
From: Yasmany Cubela Medina, 2016-03-03