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Rebuilding a click file for an installed application


Niklas Wenzel said how to do it.

I have made a script to do it automatically.
The app's you have installed are in /opt/click.ubuntu.com as directories.
With File Manager you go there and push copy the app you are interested in.
In the directory ~ you have the script reb_click.sh
On the Terminal type:
bash ./reb_click.sh <PASTE_FROM_FILE_MANAGER>
You paste the address you had from File Manager.
Althow it has a complete direction the script cleans it.
After that you get a directory of the app in ~
Inside it is the file .click you expected.
The script reb_click.sh is:

paquete=`echo ${1##*/}`
cp -r /opt/click.ubuntu.com/$paquete ~
cd ~/$paquete/current
cp .click/info/$paquete.manifest manifest.json
cd ..
click build current

I hope this is helpful for you