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Re: uNav status


Hi Costales!

Many thanks for the tips =)


El 21/03/2016 a las 19:47, Costales escribió:
Hi there! :)

I'll tell you a few tricks from my experience developing uNav. I assure you that uNav is working as it should be. I hope this will be useful for more users. This will apply to any GPS app too:
  * First: Each position in uNav is from the device.
  * uNav will not start a navigation until you get a good accuracy for
  * Check your system configurations:

  * https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/site_media/appmedia/2016/03/x.png
  * https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/site_media/appmedia/2016/03/y.png
  * https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/site_media/appmedia/2016/03/z_1.png

  * If you don't reboot the phone in a few days, sometimes the GPS
    device is not returning positions to uNav, then it will wait for a
    GPS signal forever. How to get positions again? Sadly, reboot the
    phone for a fresh environment.
  * Use WiFi enabled and not connected to a network: This will enable
    the AGPS feature and you will get a position in seconds (sadly
    with 5 seconds between positions). If you don't enable the WiFi,
    you will have to wait for a real GPS position, this could take a
    few minutes. If you are using AGPS it will try GPS ASAP it has a
    good GPS signal.
  * Don't use 2 GPS apps at the same time. The GPS will not work for
    booth of them.

Then, my advise today is this: Enable WiFi (not connected), reboot phone and try uNav. It should work. If not, please, fill a bug in bugs.launchpad.net/unav <http://bugs.launchpad.net/unav> ;)
A hug!


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