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Re: owncloud-client-cmd on the phone


Installing is easy:
unzip the file:
bin/* goes to ~/bin
oc/* goes to ~/oc
then relogin if you are not using ~/bin yet and you can use owncloudcmd command in terminal.

I'm on irc if you want to chat.
fhf at irc.rapidrage.net channel #ubuntu (we have webchat if you don't have local client http://irc.rapidrage.org/ubuntu )
fhf bhgg nhgbhv at irc.freenode.net

I'll publish necessary scripts around Thursday on my github.

Filip Dorosz

W dniu 05.04.2016 o 23:25, Wayne Ward pisze:
This is great im wiping my phone ready for standard for ota 10

Please can you give instructions were to put the files and how to run ld
config and then the upstart file Are you contactable tomorrow ill try
this out on new install ...
Do you use telegram
Were on ubuntu social group if you have time to chat ill dp the first
test run if thats ok :)
I'm certain my owncloud contacts and calendar use syncevolution so that
will need a upstart script once I've added the syncs Do they run in
background like my dbus crons ?


n Tuesday, 5 April 2016 22:04:11 BST, Filip Dorosz
<filip.dorosz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Another update:

I have working client!
(No need to put phone in RW mode)

I pulled necessary packages from Debian sid:
and packed it so anyone can download it, extract and use:


This is owncloudcmd version 2.1.1 so its compatible with newer version
of ownCloud server.

* upstart job + scripts to periodically run sync.
* gui for managing simple config file.(I'm not familiar with graphic
programming in ubuntu-sdk so I'll need some help)
* click package (I don't know if this is even possible)

Filip Dorosz

W dniu 05.04.2016 o 19:50, Wayne Ward pisze:
Have you tried http Plus im certain the 1.7 version is to older client
for the server your running thats why i moved to to 1.8.1 Wayne
On Tuesday, 5 April 2016 18:29:40 BST, Filip Dorosz
<filip.dorosz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
forgot to add:
I'd really appreciate if someone test it against their setup.

[1] http://people.rapidrage.com.pl/~filip/owncloud-1.7-armhf.zip

W dniu 05.04.2016 o 19:27, Filip Dorosz pisze:

I updated my setup [1] with some more libs and now I'm stuck with 403
error servers side (note: normal clients on desktop works)

Filip Dorosz

W dniu 05.04.2016 o 15:19, Filip Dorosz pisze:
Hi all.

I recently downloaded all dependencies needed by owncloud-client-cmd
1.7.0~beta1+really1.6.4+dfsg-1 from Vivid ports repository:
http://ports.ubuntu.com for armhf repository and stuffed in into
dir and then adjusted LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include my new lib path.

And to my suprise... it worked! I've made some testing and
been unable to sync ~/Pictures/test with my OC but at least I have
working client.

I get following error so if anyone join me can try to troubleshoot it

04-05 14:58:28:423 Database Drivers could not be loaded.
04-05 14:58:28:423 Database Drivers could not be loaded.
04-05 14:58:28:423 Database Drivers could not be loaded.
04-05 14:58:28:423 Database Drivers could not be loaded.
04-05 14:58:28:424 Database Drivers could not be loaded.
04-05 14:58:28:424 Bailing out, DB failure

If anyone is interested here is zip file with owncloud-client-cmd and
needed libs. You just need to unzip it into your's phone HOME and
bin with your current ~/bin
Then you can use owncloudcmd in phone's terminal.

If we somehow make syncing work we may create simple bash script and
upstart job to automatically sync certain directories from the phone
to oc.
(tbh I already have these for rsync)

Filip Dorosz.

Follow ups
