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Re: adb shell and termcap


Am Freitag, den 08.04.2016, 12:29 +0100 schrieb Alan Bell:
> running adb shell gives a terminal that wraps at about 80 characters so 
> you overwrite the prompt and it all gets a bit messy, turns out that 
> stty can be used to make it wider
> stty rows 60 cols 156
> but it is still not auto-resizing the terminal to the size of the window.
> is this something that we can get to work properly so that connecting to 
> a phone with adb shell works as one would expect connecting from one 
> Ubuntu machine to another Ubuntu machine would work?

since abd has no concept at all of termcap (afaik not even android
itself has) that would require quite some work and changes to the core
adb code (with probably unpredictable security implications as the code
wasn't designed with that context in mind)

we designed phablet-shell for that use case (i wouldn't recommend to
anyone to use adb directly on a constant base ...) which tunnels an ssh
connection over adb and gives you proper terminal handling as well as
support for control keys (which adb also doesn't know about (try saving
something from nano under adb)).


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