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Re: Running uNav locally


El día Wednesday, April 20, 2016 a las 10:14:00AM +0200, Cesar Herrera escribió:

> I don't understand the meaning of "tweaked index.html" and how to vote for the issue in LP.
> Thanks,
> Cesar

In LP is a bug/CR open for this:

BQ E4.5 (OTA-10): uNav to work with prefetched OSM tiles from local SD

please go there and mark "I'm affected too'

Re/ the index.html: the normal file index.html delivered by the uNav app
can (or could not) access and I got a special
version, which works only for local tiles, I think;

The best wayy is to get implemented oifical support for a local HTTP
server (or some other access to local stored tiles trees.


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ +49-176-38902045
¡Dios querido denos otra vez los problemas de ayer, los que tuvimos en la RDA!
My Lord, give us back the problems of yesterday, those we have had in the GDR.
