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Re: [Bileto-announce] IMPORTANT: Note about changelogs


Il 02/06/2016 16:55, Robert Park ha scritto:
Hi guys,

TL;DR: Bileto is currently unconditionally forcing all MP Commit
Messages into the changelog, so leave that field blank if your branch
supplies it's own changelog.

I'm not sure this is due to this change, but I've noticed that multiline commit messages aren't properly handled as it used to be.

So, if your commit message is in the form

  Component: short desc

  Very long description defining what this changed
  did, with many details and multiple lines.

The debian/changelog is fine (as it contains only the short desc), but the bzr log is now missing the juice it should include.

For example:
MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity-settings-daemon/remove-duplicated-dbus-proxies/+merge/295353 Change: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-settings-daemon-team/unity-settings-daemon/trunk/revision/4138

