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Re: BQ E4.5 photos out of focus and unsharp


El día Thursday, September 15, 2016 a las 03:53:09PM +0100, Ivo Fernandes escribió:

> Hi,
> The best I've taken was with HDR off. I also have to tap the screen
> multiple times to get some focus, some photos are fine others dont. E4.5
> with android photos are better...

I got some tricks from Internet:

- not use zooming at all (because this is done by software only) and you
  can do it later better
- not use flash, better environment light
- and (I'm still learning it): tap to focus the object you want, than
  touch the icon but hold down the finger for 1-2 secs, than release the
  finger very soft and the photo gets shoot;


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ +49-176-38902045
"Ohne die Mauer hätte es Krieg gegeben" Fritz Streletz u.a.
"Sin el Muro hubiese habido guerra."

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