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Re: BQ E4.5 OTA13: battery info seems to be nonsense


Was the phone turned off from 2 PM day 1 to 9AM day 2?

If it was, that line can simply be explained like this:

Last known data point was close to 0% at 2 PM day 1.

Next known data point is 22% at 9 AM day 2.

The line that gets drawn is an extrapolation from what is known. Does this make any sense or am I missing anything?
I too have noticed a decrease in the battery life of my E4.5. But I have 
simply attributed it to an aging battery. It's been almost 2 years now 
with heavy usage. I think it's kind of expected that the battery is 
starting to show it's age.
The good news is that the battery seems to be replaceable on this model. 
There are plenty of videos on youtube showing how to do it, so if that 
is indeed the problem, battery life can be restored.


PS -

On 06-11-2016 08:58, Matthias Apitz wrote:
El día Sunday, November 06, 2016 a las 10:50:18AM +0200, Cos64 escribió:


The battery info seems to be total nonsense in OTA13. Yesterday I checked
the battery in my wifes BQ around 10 AM and it showed a horizontal line of many hours
at level 61%. My wife went to town and I could not reached her around 2 PM.
The today screen is showing a going down from the level of ~60% to 0% in
one hour between 11 and 12 AM, while the BQ was unused.
It's a pity that I did not took a screen yesterday at 10 AM.

Today morning, around 9 AM, I put in to charge and now it shows a line
with growing level between 12 AM yesterday until 9 AM today, while it
was without any energy at all in this hours.
This often happens to me too, but is it not the same issue as this one?
Yes, it is related to this bug issue (I raised it), but what is new to me
is the wrong display now on charging. The display shows charging for
many hours, which is not true.


Follow ups
