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Poor state of support.


I have posted about my issue here but got absolutely no reply at all! My phone is currently beyond useless. I had noticed previously that my phone used to play up when an OTA was due, issues would plague me throughout the final days of testing and get rectified during the update itself. Now that someone has decided seemingly that we're not having an OTA15 without telling us I'm left with a terminally ill phone and nobody seems to be responding in here any more.
So currently when I phone someone the phone app locks up. I can't enable 
speaker phone and crucially I can't even put the phone down. When I'm 
done calling I need to reboot. If someone calls me, same thing, however 
when they put the phone down I am able to force quit the phone app.
I've also had issues connecting my bluetooth headset up, it kept 
disconnecting for no reason. When I chose to forget it I then couldn't 
re-pair it, it took several attempts.

So, can somebody PLEASE give us a clear indication, will there be an OTA 15? When is that likely to happen?
Failing this can someone please remind me once again how I reflash my 
phone? (BQ E4.5)



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