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Re: Showcase device


On Tuesday, 28 February 2017 22:58:09 CET, Francisco Pina Martins <f.pinamartins@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I just saw this:


I think it would be a **very** cool device to showcase Ubuntu Touch/personal on.
Because it is already both a phone and a laptop. But in it's current 
form, it can only be one at a time (dual boot android and some form of 
GNU/Linux). Load Ubuntu Touch/Personal on it and boom. You get both at 
the same time, with plenty of connectivity (USB-C x2) to **really** make 
use of convergence apps.
But maybe I'm just daydreaming...



From the look it seems to be a really cool device. But, they suffer perhaps
the same problem: no open source drivers for the atenna chips (GPS, GPRS, sensors, ...). That's why the use dual boot.

Sent from my Ubuntu phone

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