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ubuntu-phone team mailing list archive

Re: Any upcoming "new" supported devices?



Community is vibrant in Telegram and Matrix, lots of focus groups and
language groups. 

I would recommend if there is strong interest in Ubuntu Touch that you
go to https://t.me/ubports Telegram group, jump in there and then move
out from there.  If you aren't on Telegram and don't plan to be, Matrix
is active too.  Simply ask and there will always be someone to help.

This is the main website for the UBports project which is, if you didn't
know, an official Foundation now.

All the best!


On 2019-06-13 5:06 a.m., A. James Lewis wrote:
> After breaking my MX4 some time ago, I had to replace my phone and so
> I have a cheap Chinese Android phone, but I'd love to get back to
> Ubuntu Phone, especially seeing all the work that has been done... but
> I wonder, has any consideration been given to partnering with a
> hardware vendor again to deliver a modern phone supporting the UBports
> release?...
> I imagine Huawei might have some spare phones looking for an OS lately!
> --
> A. James Lewis (james@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:james@xxxxxxxxxx>)
> "Engineering does not require science. Science helps a lot but people
> built perfectly good brick walls long before they knew why cement works."
Wayne Taylor

Metro Edge Realty
345-3150 E 54th Ave 
Vancouver, BC V5S 1Z1 
