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[Merge] lp:~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/minor-headerrow-tweak into lp:ubuntu-weather-app/reboot


Nekhelesh Ramananthan has proposed merging lp:~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/minor-headerrow-tweak into lp:ubuntu-weather-app/reboot.

Commit message:
- Adjusted the top margin spacing of the location name shown in the home page to 2 grid units as shown in the design spec [1].

- Improved HeaderRow.qml by using RowLayout which allows us to remove calculations like width: parent.width - spacing - icon.width and so on.

- Minor code clean up of LocationsPage.qml

[1] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tXcyMBvJAYvwFvUAmTTYzmBP2NFQgbG_Gy8e2gv91kU/edit#slide=id.g3c301e3c2_05

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Weather Developers (ubuntu-weather-dev)

For more details, see:

Just a minor MP which does the following,
- Adjusted the top margin spacing of the location name shown in the home page to 2 grid units as shown in the design spec [1].

- Improved HeaderRow.qml by using RowLayout which allows us to remove calculations like width: parent.width - spacing - icon.width and so on.

- Minor code clean up of LocationsPage.qml

[1] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tXcyMBvJAYvwFvUAmTTYzmBP2NFQgbG_Gy8e2gv91kU/edit#slide=id.g3c301e3c2_05
Your team Ubuntu Weather Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/minor-headerrow-tweak into lp:ubuntu-weather-app/reboot.
=== modified file 'app/components/HeaderRow.qml'
--- app/components/HeaderRow.qml	2015-02-09 19:49:06 +0000
+++ app/components/HeaderRow.qml	2015-04-07 19:02:24 +0000
@@ -17,23 +17,24 @@
 import QtQuick 2.3
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
 import Ubuntu.Components 1.1
-Row {
-    spacing: units.gu(2)
+RowLayout {
+    id: headerRow
+    property alias locationName: locationNameLabel.text
     width: parent.width
-    property alias locationName: locationNameLabel.text
     Label {
         id: locationNameLabel
         color: UbuntuColors.darkGrey
         elide: Text.ElideRight
         font.weight: Font.Normal
         fontSize: "large"
+        Layout.fillWidth: true
         height: settingsButton.height
-        width: parent.width - settingsButton.width - parent.spacing
         verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
@@ -45,21 +46,17 @@
         onClicked: mainPageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("../ui/SettingsPage.qml"))
         Rectangle {
-            anchors {
-                fill: parent
-            }
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            visible: parent.pressed
             color: Theme.palette.selected.background
-            visible: parent.pressed
         Icon {
-            anchors {
-                centerIn: parent
-            }
-            color: UbuntuColors.darkGrey
             name: "settings"
             height: width
             width: units.gu(2.5)
+            anchors.centerIn: parent
+            color: UbuntuColors.darkGrey

=== modified file 'app/ui/LocationPane.qml'
--- app/ui/LocationPane.qml	2015-04-04 12:01:21 +0000
+++ app/ui/LocationPane.qml	2015-04-07 19:02:24 +0000
@@ -113,7 +113,9 @@
     Column {
         id: locationTop
         anchors {
+            top: parent.top
             left: parent.left
             right: parent.right
             margins: units.gu(2)

=== modified file 'app/ui/LocationsPage.qml'
--- app/ui/LocationsPage.qml	2015-03-21 17:08:40 +0000
+++ app/ui/LocationsPage.qml	2015-04-07 19:02:24 +0000
@@ -82,16 +82,13 @@
             Item {
                 anchors {
-                    bottom: parent.bottom
-                    left: parent.left
+                    fill: parent
                     leftMargin: units.gu(2)
-                    right: parent.right
                     rightMargin: units.gu(2)
-                    top: parent.top
                 Label {
-                    id: nameLabel
+                    id: locationName
                     anchors {
                         left: parent.left
                         right: weatherImage.visible ? weatherImage.left : parent.right
@@ -104,18 +101,15 @@
                 Icon {
                     id: weatherImage
-                    anchors {
-                        horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-                        verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-                    }
-                    height: units.gu(3)
                     name: icon
-                    visible: locationsPage.state === "default"
                     width: units.gu(3)
+                    height: units.gu(3)
+                    anchors.centerIn: parent
+                    visible: locationsPage.state === "default"
                 Label {
-                    id: nowLabel
+                    id: temperatureLabel
                     anchors {
                         left: weatherImage.right
                         leftMargin: units.gu(1)
@@ -126,13 +120,10 @@
                     elide: Text.ElideRight
                     font.pixelSize: units.gu(4)
                     font.weight: Font.Light
-                    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight                    
-                    text: temp + ""+ settings.tempScale
+                    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+                    text: temp + settings.tempScale
                     visible: locationsPage.state === "default"
-                Component.onCompleted: {
-                }
             ListItem.ThinDivider {

=== modified file 'po/com.ubuntu.weather.pot'
--- po/com.ubuntu.weather.pot	2015-04-04 07:59:32 +0000
+++ po/com.ubuntu.weather.pot	2015-04-07 19:02:24 +0000
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: ubuntu-weather-app\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-04 09:58+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-04-07 20:58+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@xxxxxx>\n"
