ubuntu-touch-coreapps-reviewers team mailing list archive
ubuntu-touch-coreapps-reviewers team
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Message #01660
Re: [Merge] lp:~ricsipontaz/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-for-bug-1428501 into lp:ubuntu-calendar-app
Review: Needs Fixing
Thanks Richard, that's all that needs to be done. I.e. applying the fix, committing and pushing it. Then when everything is fine, a core app dev will approve the merge proposal, automated tests will be run against it and when they pass it will be merged to trunk.
That said, there is something that still needs to be fixed: the translator comment line uses tabs where the rest of the file uses spaces. Could you replace the tabs with spaces to be consistent with the rest of the code?
Your team Ubuntu Calendar Developers is subscribed to branch lp:ubuntu-calendar-app.