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[Merge] lp:~mzanetti/reminders-app/improve-edit-tags into lp:reminders-app


Michael Zanetti has proposed merging lp:~mzanetti/reminders-app/improve-edit-tags into lp:reminders-app.

Commit message:
Improve the edit tags dialog and some other strings

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Reminders app developers (reminders-app-dev)

For more details, see:
Your team Ubuntu Reminders app developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~mzanetti/reminders-app/improve-edit-tags into lp:reminders-app.
=== modified file 'src/app/qml/components/EditTagsDialog.qml'
--- src/app/qml/components/EditTagsDialog.qml	2015-02-27 22:43:12 +0000
+++ src/app/qml/components/EditTagsDialog.qml	2015-06-11 19:33:36 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,12 @@
 Dialog {
     id: root
+    title: i18n.tr("Edit tags")
+    text: tags.count == 0 ? noTagsText : haveTagsText
+    property string noTagsText: i18n.tr("Enter a tag name to attach it to the note.")
+    property string haveTagsText: i18n.tr("Enter a tag name or select one from the list to attach it to the note.")
     property var note
     property int pageHeight
@@ -35,42 +41,91 @@
         id: tags
+    SortFilterModel {
+        id: tagsSortFilterModel
+        model: tags
+        filter.property: "name"
+        filter.pattern: RegExp(textField.text)
+    }
     RowLayout {
         Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - units.gu(2)
         Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+        z: 2
-        TextField {
-            id: textField
+        Item {
             Layout.fillWidth: true
-            placeholderText: i18n.tr("Create a new tag")
-            onAccepted: accept();
-            function accept() {
-                var tagName = text;
-                text = '';
-                // Check if the tag exists
-                for (var i=0; i < tags.count; i++) {
-                    var tag = tags.tag(i);
-                    if (tag.name == tagName) {
-                        // The tag exists, check if is already selected: if it is,
-                        // do nothing, otherwise add to tags of the note
-                        if (note.tagGuids.indexOf(tag.guid) === -1) {
-                            note.tagGuids.push(tag.guid);
-                        }
-                        return;
-                    }
-                }
-                var newTag = NotesStore.createTag(tagName);
-                print("tag created", newTag.name, "appending to note");
-                note.tagGuids.push(newTag.guid)
+            Layout.preferredHeight: okButton.height
+            TextField {
+                id: textField
+                placeholderText: i18n.tr("Tag name")
+                anchors.fill: parent
+                onAccepted: accept();
+                function accept() {
+                    var tagName = text;
+                    text = '';
+                    // Check if the tag exists
+                    for (var i=0; i < tags.count; i++) {
+                        var tag = tags.tag(i);
+                        if (tag.name == tagName) {
+                            // The tag exists, check if is already selected: if it is,
+                            // do nothing, otherwise add to tags of the note
+                            if (note.tagGuids.indexOf(tag.guid) === -1) {
+                                note.tagGuids.push(tag.guid);
+                            }
+                            return;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    var newTag = NotesStore.createTag(tagName);
+                    print("tag created", newTag.name, "appending to note");
+                    note.tagGuids.push(newTag.guid)
+                }
+            }
+            Rectangle {
+                x: textField.x
+                y: textField.y + textField.height
+                width: textField.width
+                color: "white"
+                border.width: units.dp(1)
+                border.color: "black"
+                height: Math.min(5, tagsListView.count) * units.gu(4)
+                visible: textField.text.length > 0
+                ListView {
+                    id: tagsListView
+                    anchors.fill: parent
+                    model: tagsSortFilterModel
+                    clip: true
+                    delegate: Empty {
+                        height: units.gu(4)
+                        Label {
+                            anchors.fill: parent
+                            anchors.margins: units.gu(1)
+                            text: model.name
+                            color: textField.text === model.name ? UbuntuColors.orange : "black"
+                        }
+                        onClicked: {
+                            textField.text = model.name
+                            textField.accept()
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
         Button {
-            text: i18n.tr("Create tag")
+            id: okButton
+            text: i18n.tr("OK")
             color: UbuntuColors.orange
             enabled: textField.text.replace(/\s+/g, '') !== ''; // Not only whitespaces!
             onClicked: textField.accept()
@@ -86,7 +141,7 @@
         currentlyExpanded: true
         multiSelection: true
-        containerHeight: Math.min(root.pageHeight - textField.height - closeButton.height - units.gu(12), tags.count * itemHeight)
+        containerHeight: Math.min(root.pageHeight / 3, tags.count * itemHeight)
         model: tags
@@ -117,7 +172,7 @@
         color: UbuntuColors.orange
-        text: i18n.tr("Done")
+        text: i18n.tr("Close")
         onClicked: {

=== modified file 'src/app/qml/reminders.qml'
--- src/app/qml/reminders.qml	2015-06-01 09:56:30 +0000
+++ src/app/qml/reminders.qml	2015-06-11 19:33:36 +0000
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
         onAuthenticated: {
             EvernoteConnection.token = reply.AccessToken;
             print("token is:", EvernoteConnection.token)
-            if (NetworkingStatus.online) {
+            if (NetworkingStatus.Online) {

=== modified file 'src/app/qml/ui/EditNoteView.qml'
--- src/app/qml/ui/EditNoteView.qml	2015-05-30 16:18:42 +0000
+++ src/app/qml/ui/EditNoteView.qml	2015-06-11 19:33:36 +0000
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@
             RtfButton {
                 iconName: "tick"
                 // TRANSLATORS: Button to close the edit mode
-                text: i18n.tr("Done")
+                text: i18n.tr("Close")
                 height: parent.height
                 iconColor: UbuntuColors.green
                 onClicked: {

=== modified file 'src/libqtevernote/notesstore.cpp'
--- src/libqtevernote/notesstore.cpp	2015-03-30 19:01:49 +0000
+++ src/libqtevernote/notesstore.cpp	2015-06-11 19:33:36 +0000
@@ -478,6 +478,12 @@
 Tag* NotesStore::createTag(const QString &name)
+    foreach (Tag *tag, m_tags) {
+        if (tag->name() == name) {
+            return tag;
+        }
+    }
     QString newGuid = QUuid::createUuid().toString();
     Tag *tag = new Tag(newGuid, 1, this);

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