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Re: [Weather] What weather information can be displayed?


Hi Martin,

That's really helpful!

Thanks for providing us the list.


On 22/03/13 12:26, Martin Borho wrote:
Hi Christina,

hope I can help you:

1) we're using http://openweathermap.org/API ( they are providing also maps )
2,3) the following data for current- and forecast weather is provided:
- date
- temperature
- temperature min
- temperature max
- pressure
- humidity
- condition ( see here for possible values http://openweathermap.org/wiki/API/Weather_Condition_Codes )
- wind data (speed, degree)
- snow or rain (but not for provided for all locations, as far as I see)
- there is detailed data about clouds, too

Example from the API-docs: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.1/forecast/city/524901?units=metric
(you can paste the json in http://jsonlint.com/ to get a nicer view)

The data backend of the app will be designed to make it possible to add other services later on, if wished.

Am Freitag, den 22.03.2013, 12:54 +0100 schrieb Christina Li <christina.li@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hi everyone,

 We are currenty sketching for the weather app, and came across some
questions that we'd like your help on!

 1. Where are we sourcing the weather information from? (e.g., NASA)
 2. What sort of details can we provide for Today's weather?
 3. What sort of details can we provide for tomorrow, and the next few
days' forecasts?

 Weather details relate to information such as, current temperature,
highest-lowest temperature, humidity, precipitation, pressure, wind
direction and speed, etc. Obviously, this list is not extensive and we
want to know what can be included (or not!)

 If there's a list that you can provide to us that we'd be really
helpful. Or better yet, if there's no restrictions or limits of what
could be displayed then let us know too!

 Looking forward to hearing from you shortly!



Christina Li

User Experience Designer

Product Strategy | Ubuntu Platform | Design

christina.li@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [1]

[1] mailto:christina.li@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Christina Li

User Experience Designer

Product Strategy | Ubuntu Platform | Design

christina.li@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:christina.li@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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