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Lucid translation imports are now active


Hi all,

Thanks to the wonderful job the Launchpad Translations team has been
doing in the last few months it is now much easier to open translations
for a new release.

Therefore I'm pleased to announce that translation imports have now been
enabled for Lucid.

This means that packages uploaded to Lucid will have their translations
stripped and put in the imports queue straight away. In this way, they
will be processed much earlier and we'll avoid backlogs of imports as
it's been the case in some previous releases.

Translations will still not be visible to translators in the web UI.
We'd like to at least wait until the first round of imports has been
done and do some cleanup of the templates.

On that aspect, there are two points I'd like to discuss with the UTC

      * Making translations visible: I'd like to get some feedback on
        when you think it would be best to make translations visible on
        the web UI. This time we can do it straight away, much earlier
        than usual, and I'd like to hear your thoughts on that. We've
        got message sharing in place, which means that translations done
        in Lucid will make it into Karmic and viceversa, but if we open
        translations early will also mean that those teams not working
        closely with upstreams might start working on translations
        before the upstream teams, leading to a potential duplication of

      * Translation templates and the imports queue. In order to allow
        the imports queue to be more automated and require less manual
        maintenance, it would be very useful to document the cases in
        which automatic imports do not work before the queue starts
        getting full. This way the Launchpad Translations developers
        will be able to improve or cater for those cases. To that
        purpose, Arne has started a wiki page to coordinate this effort
        [1]. I would encourage you to follow the instructions there to
        contribute to a more automated imports process.




David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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