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Multiple Malay translation teams


Hi all,

During the last Asia/Oceania Regional Membership Board there was some
confusion about multiple different Malay translator teams:

https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-ms - This is the team appointed for
Ubuntu translations in the ubuntu-translators group, and as such the one
responsible for Malay translations. The current assignment permits only
members of these team to modify and submit new Malay translations in

https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-my-transdocs - This team is a subteam of
the Malay LoCo, but not being assigned to the ubuntu-translators
translation group, their members cannot submit or modify translations
(they can submit translations suggestions as any other teams, of

I think it would be very beneficial to the Malay community if both teams
integrated their efforts in a single team. Mohammad, KatieKitty, as the
owners of the respective teams, do you think you could work together
towards this goal?

Please let me know if the Ubuntu Translations Coordinators [1] can help
you in any way.



P.S. -
On a separate topic, looking at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-ms, I
do not see any information on how to join the team, how the team
communicates or if it's got any website or wiki. To the ubuntu-l10n-ms
admins, do you think you could:

      * Create some translation guidelines for translators wanting to
        join the Malay translation effort and link them to the team?
        You'll find more information here:
        https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/Guidelines and some
        examples of guidelines of other Ubuntu translation teams here:
      * Add information about the Malay translation resources (e.g. wiki
        page/website, mailing list/forums/IRC, etc.) and how to join the
        team to the main page in Launchpad
      * Add the Malay team and their details to the list at
      * Let at least team lead subscribe to the Ubuntu Translators
        mailing list at

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTranslationsCoordinators

David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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