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Re: Making translations a first class citizen in Jono's Ubuntu accomplishment system


Al 24/02/12 13:04, En/na Kenneth Nielsen ha escrit:
I have made a list of the suggestions so far. We can use that as a base
for the future work with:
1) Comming up with more suggestions
2) Selecting the good ones (probably in collaboration with Jono)
3) Starting to form the description for the ones that want to proceed with

Do you guys have any more suggestions, of comments to the ones we
already have.

Regards Kenneth

Sorry for the previously half-baked e-mail to the list, it was a Ctrl+Enter fail on my part.

So just to give a quick update on it:

- Here's the list of ideas that Kenneth put together:

- Some more discussion pasted from a chat with Kenneth below.

- We should probably move this discussion to the ubuntu-translators list.

<TLE>	have you been talking to Jono about the accomplishment system
<dpm> TLE, yeah, I haven't had a chance to reply to the e-mail on the UTC mailing list today, but +1000 on that. In fact, I had already promised Jono two translations accomplishments last weekend, and I wanted to have them ready by today. I might have some hacking time at the weekend, but if anyone else wants to contribute to them, even better! <dpm> In short, he really wants to have them, it's just that I haven't finished them <dpm> it's really easy to create them, the harder part is to get the info for the actual accomplishment
<dpm>	So I started small and I thought of 2:
<dpm>	- First translation
<dpm>	- Member of an Ubuntu translation team
<dpm> The first one is tricky because you can only get it from LP, but it's not exposed from the API
<TLE>	uhhm back at the API
<dpm>	well, karma is, but as a lump figure
<dpm>	so for that one I was thinking of *cough*
<dpm>	screenscraping
<dpm>	*cough*
<TLE>	I never heard that
<dpm>	good :)
<dpm> For the second one, you can get the info from LP, but it's a bit convoluted
<dpm>	as there is no api for translation groups
<dpm> e.g. give me all the teams that are part of the ubuntu-translators group <TLE> but yeah, I guess if you do an authenticated session for getting the page, it is safe enough, it just may not be as stable <dpm> yeah, my main concern is about the page layout changing and thus the accomplishment script breaking
<dpm>	but on the other hand, how often does the LP UI design change? ;)
<TLE>	yeah
<TLE>	one thing though
<TLE> do you think it might be worth it to discuss potential accomplishments a bit before we start making them <sagaci> there isn't really that many accomplishments that come to mind, regarding translations
<TLE>	because the first one there, could be grained out if we wish
<TLE> sagaci: actually we have already come up with a few suggestions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/TrophySuggestions <dpm> oh wow, I hadn't seen the page yet, I haven't been through the thread in detail
<dpm>	good work
<TLE> dpm: it could be as little as figuring out what the few fundamental ones should be formulated like, check that they are compatible with Jono idea, and then we can flesh out the rest later <sagaci> ah right, I wasn't really thinking translation/bugs, translation/docs, but they all seem to fit <TLE> the page is more or less just a brain storm, not sure all of them are good suggestions <dpm> TLE, I think this is a really good list we can already start with. The next thing I would suggest is for every suggestion to briefly investigate how doable it is to check for them, which will already rule some out <sagaci> it would be good to have some trophies as automatic and some require a tick from a translation team member/leader <dpm> sagaci, that's a good point - would you mind adding it as a thought here? -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/TrophySuggestions <dpm> TLE, in any case, if I get time, I'll start working on the "Member of a translation team" one this weekend (that one shouldn't take more than 2-3 hours), I just want to have one in there already! :)
<TLE>	dpm: yeah, that one should also match the criteria without a doubt
<TLE> we can make the list item links to subpages where we can work on the text for the GUI <dpm> TLE, yeah, either subpages or if it's a simple one, perhaps just a subpoint on the list, whatever you think it's best
<dpm>	the challenge here is that we haven't got any API for translations
<dpm> so there's quite a lot of info in LP about translators, but we cannot query it other than screenscraping
<dpm>	like looking at the page, I can see some cool suggestions
<dpm>	e.g. "Documentation translator"
<dpm> if your name appears in there: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/ubuntu-docs/+pots/ubuntu-help/pt_BR/+details
<dpm>	(depending on your locale)
<TLE> yeah, I was thinking though, that if we start by discussing which ones are good accomplishments, and remove that ones that aren't, the we can sort the rest by data availability, because those ones we might want to add later if the data becomes available
<dpm>	+1
<dpm> I need to run now, but let's continue the thread on the ml and perhaps add a point to next week's translations meeting agenda to sync up
<TLE>	yeah
<dpm> actually, would you mind bouncing the e-mail to the general translators list too? It'd be great to have some more visibility, I'm sure other translators can come up with lots of good ideas


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com
www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella
