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Re: translating edubuntu into mongolian


Al 23/05/12 07:11, En/na DULMANDAKH Sukhbaatar ha escrit:
> Hello,
> Ubuntu 12.04 is rocks, it's pretty solid and stable. Thank you guys
> for making it happen.

You're welcome! It's been the result of the hard work of many in
Canonical and in the wider volunteer Ubuntu community :-)

> I've been dreaming and thinking about translating Ubuntu into
> Mongolian, make it's easier to use for mongolian people. But wasn't
> able to make progress because of lack of community and good
> translators. Now, there is an opportunity to make it happen, so we
> need to catch it up.

I'm glad to hear that!

> Our local mining company providing sponsorship to non-profit
> organizations for educational projects. And I'm thinking about writing
> project on translating Edubuntu into mongolian, provide manuals and
> trainings to high school teachers, so they can use it for education,
> improve quality. With sponsorship we can have dedicated team of
> translators, instructors and support team. I would like to ask you
> help.
> How many messages in the default Edubuntu installation?
> Where I can find package list that are in default installation?
> How many are translated, fuzzy, untranslated?
> Which tools are available from Ubuntu side for translation, testing?
> We're planning to target 12.04 version for it, can we make it into
> official Ubuntu repo, if yes how much time it'll take?
> How can we make Edubuntu installation in mongolian?
> Should we create custom installation media? If so, how?

I cannot give you a detailed answer for all questions, but here are my
suggestions and notes:

- First of all, create a Mongolian translation team following the
- Concentrate on translating Ubuntu first, as it's the base distro for
- Once you've created the team and you've done a few translations, just
give me a heads up and we will include them in the official language
packs. No need to set up additional infrastructure such as additional
repos or anything complicated
- You can then test those translations with the language packs that we
- Ubuntu is translated in Launchpad
- You can see the list of packages to translate, in order of priority,
at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu
- Once you've created the Mongolian team and it's approved, you'll be
able to see how many strings are translated/untranslated/needreview in
- Regarding the time it will take to include translations for a new
language in Ubuntu, in my experience it largely depends on how
responsive and active the translations team is and how quick they can
create the new translations team.
- If you need any help, feel free to contact me, or even better the
ubuntu-translators list, to which I would very much recommend you to
subscribe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Contact

> Some of organization that are willing to support and cooperate are
> Community of Teachers of Informatics, Center of Teacher Development,
> Education Agency of the Ulaanbaatar and maybe Ministry of Education.
> I found this information as week ago, and mining company accepting
> sponsorship request until 1st June. Could you please answer above
> questions as soon as possible? If they accept our request, we'll be
> working closely with Ubuntu translation team.
> Thank you, looking forward to hear from you soon.


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
www.ubuntu.com / www.davidplanella.wordpress.com
www.identi.ca/dplanella / www.twitter.com/dplanella

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