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Announcement: Cleveland Area Global Jam


Guys and gals,

We're on for Global Jam!

We'll be gathering for Ubuntu Global Jam on Saturday August 28th at the
Panera Bread in Warrensville Heights, OH from noon until around 7pm.

Full event details are here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/324/detail/

We're going to focus our efforts in three areas this time around.  First,
Operation Cleansweep, detailed
here<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperationCleansweep> for
those in the mood for bug squashing.  Second, I believe we'll have some
folks working on packaging (specifically responding to a call for volunteers
from The Full Circle Notifier).  Third, we'll spend some time installing and
testing Ubuntu 10.10.  We'll have a small supply of installation discs on
hand.  The folks at Panera Bread have informed me that they do not have a
meeting room, but they do have reliable free WiFi and ample open seating
to accommodate us.

<http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/324/detail/>Hope to see everyone there!

Side-note: if anyone on the west side needs a lift to/from Warrensville
Heights, let me know.  I'll be driving out from Lakewood and if you're not
too far from me, I'd be happy to offer transportation.

Kenneth Wilson