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Slightly off topic: Part time programming work and assistance.


 Hi All

Sorry for the cross posting.

I am now employed in the library, where I am building: http://scholar.sun.ac.za amongst other things. Recently I was asked to develop something to help automate and streamline a certain library workflow. I have been given permission to solict paid support from amongst the on campus open source developers for the task.

If you are interested and want details, please contact Philip de Villiers via email @ pdv@xxxxxxxxx or phone 4888.
You are allowed to build the solution using Ubuntu 10.04 and OpenOffice.



Hilton Gibson
Systems Administrator
JS Gericke Library
Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch 7599
South Africa

Tel: +27 21 808 4100 | Cell: +27 84 646 4758