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[Blueprint logo-roundel-redesign] Ubuntu GNOME logo redesign


Blueprint changed by Alfredo Hernández:

Whiteboard changed:
  [amjjawad] Okay, so this is an extra needed headache. Can't we use the old Logo with Ubuntu Logo and 'Ubuntu GNOME' as a text? or we do need to create new one from scratch? did you guys inform everyone on Ubuntu GNOME team? if not yet, we need to keep everyone updated :)
  [aldomann] Actually, if we use the new logo (the current one) all together, that is not only the roundel, everything should look fine. But I don't know if that's the best decision for our social profiles. Let me do a quick mockup and I'll post it here.
  [aldomann] So, there's four options (two actually):
       1. We modify our logo (the hard one).
       2. We use this: http://cl.ly/image/17190H3p1Z43
       3. We use this: http://cl.ly/image/0k1P0T1Y2P19
       4. We use this: http://cl.ly/image/2P2j0A1u310L
  I personally like No. 4, as it doesn't look odd (2 and 3 look weird and very non-symmetrical) and actually is the same way Ubuntu show their branding on social media pages.
  [amjjawad] [RE: aldomann] I do like all the new designs you made but
  indeed, #4 is similar to what Lubuntu, Ubuntu and I guess all the other
  flavours have as a Logo (Name of the Flavour + the icon that represents
  the system) so I guess #4 is our best choice (again, I liked them all).
  However, I am confused. You stated:
  "Since the very first day of showing our new logo we've had issues about
  its implementation. The GNOME Broad don't allow to use the roundel
  (i.e., the circle with the GNOME foot) by its own (e.g., as we use it in
  our Social Media profile pictures) as it misleads to think that it is
  maintained by GNOME."
  Does it mean the one and only problem is using the 'foot' of 'GNOME'
  without any other addition? does it mean if we add 'Ubuntu GNOME' to the
  foot, that would be acceptable?
  Also, please note if the logo will be changed, we need to update everything: Slide Show, The logo inside the system (Ubuntu GNOME), the logo at the Login Screen (GDM), etc. Changing that on our Social Media Channels are the least headache :P that is super easy ;)
+ [aldomann] Yep, that'd be all as far as I'm concerned, the roundel can't
+ be shown without "Ubuntu GNOME" by its side. I think that the only
+ things that should be changed are the social media profile pictures, as
+ all other implementations are very specific and all are in the context
+ of Ubuntu GNOME itself.
+ The reason why the social media pictures are so important is that when
+ you first come across them on your feed or something, it seems that we
+ are sponsored by GNOME or something similar, and it misleads the users
+ to think who is behind the project. You know, branding guidelines stuff.
+ If you wish I can send you the images (as seen in No. 4) optimised for
+ Google+, Facebook and Twitter as well.

Ubuntu GNOME logo redesign