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[Artwork] Logo redesign


Hey guys,

The logo redesign is something we have had in our basket of "*things to do
in the future*" for a while.

The design approach has been very difficult, as we have to come up with
something that says reminds of GNOME but doesn't say literally "GNOME" (I
assume you are all aware of the trademark problem we've been causing).

The main problem here is that the GNOME foot is perfect, I really mean it.
Any kind of anthropomorphic foot design looks just like a fan-made version
of the GNOME logo. So, I thought
*why an anthropomorphic foot? Let's play with the gnome metaphor.*
I've tried several iterations of gnomes and beards and stuff; they looked
horrible, hehehe. Eventually I said, what the hell, let's combine both
ideas: a foot that uses a a beard-like shape as a the foot itself. *Please,
have a kind look at this:* http://cl.ly/image/253V2f1r121s

It's far from perfect, but I think it's a good start, as it has some good

   - It's not a GNOME logo rip-off.
   - It plays with the gnome idea.
   - It looks like a paw, which is cool in the Ubuntu world, as every cycle
   is represented with a new animal.

Please, let me know what you think guys.

PS. *If everything goes according to the plan we will have: new logo, new
website, and new ubiquity this cycle.*

Best regards,

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