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Message #00066
Re: Thank you and some more work done
On 12/19/2013 06:44 PM, Иван Иванов wrote:
> *Ali*, thank you for your words!
> That motivated me to do some work, because I found some free time this
> evening. Here are the changes:
> 1. I added information on how to remove a user account via the GUI and
> via Terminal.
> 2. I added information about the "useradd" command as another way for
> creating a user account.
> 3.*_I added link to the Ubuntu manpages _*for the commands "adduser"
> and "useradd" on howto add different advanced parameters to the
> commands (for creating a user account with root privilegies, etc.).
#3 is especially interesting... I really like the idea, and I think that
we should do it more often! This could be something that we consistently
include on the "Advanced HowTo" page you mention later.
> I know we can give some examples, but there is a lot of information
> about these advanced parameters (e.g. --groups sudo for "useradd",
> etc.). And I think the Howtos section has to remain simple (KISS).
> Every user who wants more details, who have more knowledge about
> Linux, who is an expert can easily search in Google, Ask Ubuntu, etc.
> to find the information he needs. But these tutorials are for novice
> users who need ready for copy-paste commands. Because I can exmplain
> the parameters "-d", "-m", but I think this is not necessary for now,
> because the tutorials will become heavy with information. They have to
> remain like they are now - easy for reading and using, because the
> novice user wants a result now, not long explanations.
> But the Howtos section is getting bigger and bigger and I have a
> suggestion. On the index page of the Howtos
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/HowTo) we can create 2 links: the
> first will say "Ubuntu GNOME Basic Howto" and the second - "Ubuntu
> GNOME Advanced How to". This way we will separate the big page now
> into to main categories.
For the sake of simplicity, all that might be necessary is an additional
"Advanced HowTo" page, with the original being "basic". This would
prevent us from making people click more times than necessary, and still
make sense organization-wise.
> I can paste all these things in the blueprint in Launchpad, but we can
> discuss everything here, too.
I can do that if you don't. They're not probably that important, but I
like blueprints personally because I can check what needs to be done
without reading very much. (I'm forgetful to a fault)
> *James*, we can add some information about installing themes and fonts
> in the Advanced Howto - how to use root privilegies and add themes and
> fonts in the /usr/share/themes and /usr/share/fonts folder and then
> howto change them through the command-line (e.g. gsettings set
> org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name "Ubuntu Mono 12").
Sounds good to me.
> I really have many ideas for a tutorials on how to do main and
> important everyday things with the command-line, because in many cases
> is faster than using the GUI. And I have always wanted to have one
> page where there are added all these most important commands. One
> page, like our Howto page, for quick reference - the user opens the
> bookmarked Howtopage, scrolls down to find the command and copy-paste
> it to his/her Terminal. Easy to find and fast to use.
I think that I like this idea. It may need its own page called
something like "Using the Ubuntu Terminal" because I'm not sure that
basic UNIX commands have a place in the Ubuntu GNOME /specific/ HowTos.
I feel like it would be a super useful page though, and one that I would
have wanted when I started using Linux. You have a good idea, Ivan,
lets pursue it.
> That's why I like the Howto page now - Via the GUI, Via the Terminal.
> Everything is organized and structured very good.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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James Vorderbruggen
/UbuntuGNOME Wiki and Documentation Team/
My Wiki <wiki.ubuntu.com/jamesvorder>