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Hello Ubuntu GNOME!



This e-mail is sent to the Ubuntu GNOME teams of Communications, Documentation and QA, that I joined today.
At first, let me thank you for allowing me to be a part of your teams. I use Ubuntu GNOME since day 1 (remix) and have never looked back ever since. You have done an amazing job with my favorite Ubuntu flavour and this project is one of the best I've ever seen during my involvemenet with F/OSS. So, I'm glad that I'm now a part of it and I hope that I'll not disappoint you.

A few days ago I sent an e-mail for my introduction to the Ubuntu GNOME general mailing list, in which I stated that my real life schedule is constantly changing and that I cannot commit to any long-term contribution, so I was a little sceptical about joining the teams.
But, as a member of the Greek Ubuntu community, everytime when I'm on my computer I try to keep myself updated on Ubuntu GNOME, promoting it on the forum, trying to find articles for ubuntugnome.gr, testing it for various issues, so I decided to join the teams to get my effort more organized and in sync with the teams for the benefit of the Ubuntu GNOME Project.
Last thing I want is to become a ghost member of those teams, so I ensure you that the moment I see that real life issues are not allowing me to contribute to the team, I'll leave until I'm able to get back again, or at least I'll keep you informed on what's going on.

A bit about myself. My name is Elias, I am from Greece and I'm a part of the Ubuntu community since 2011 via the Greek Local Community, Ubuntu-gr. I activelly provide user support in Ubuntu-gr forum (more than 12,000 members) and I am a global moderator of it for more than a year. Using LaTeX, I desing the e-magazine of Ubuntu-gr, called Ubuntistas, which features articles about F/OSS, useful how-to's, interviews of community members, reviews, news and others. I am an author at ubuntugnome.gr and ubuntu-gr.org, administrator of Ubuntu-gr's social media pages and groups, member of Ubuntu-gr-QA team in which we try to find any issues that affect the Greek localization of Ubuntu, Ubuntu-QA for testing the under-development versions of Ubuntu and I activelly participate on many projects mainly within Ubuntu-gr community, trying to promote the use of Ubuntu, GNOME and F/OSS in Greece. A summary of my involvement can be found on my wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/eliasps[https://3c-lxa.mail.com/mail/client/dereferrer?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ubuntu.com%2Feliasps[https://3c-lxa.mail.com/mail/client/dereferrer?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwiki.ubuntu.com%2Feliasps]] ;.

I'm very happy to join the team of Ubuntu GNOME. Ubuntu GNOME is my favorite distribution and I want to do my best to help you maintain its high quality and improve it.
I'm available to help in any way I can.

Thank you and sorry for the long e-mail.
I'm looking forward to get to know you and collaborate with you!

Best regards,

Contact: http://people.ubuntu.com/~eliasps/contact.html[http://people.ubuntu.com/~eliasps/contact.html]