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Re: FiniteElement classes


2008/3/14, Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 05:46:03PM -0400, Marie Rognes wrote:
'>  > Just a comment: I typically want to write something like
>  >
>  >     VectorElement("Nedelec", ...)
>  >
>  > in order to have a vector of Nedelec elements...!

So, does that represent a tensor field? I've implemented value_rank()
in the VectorElement and TensorElement that way, so the value rank of
a VectorElement is the value rank of the subelement (Nedelec) plus
one. Thus each row of the tensor is represented by a Nedelec element.

If you want a set of vector elements instead:
  fe = FiniteElement("Nedelec",...)
  me = MixedElement(fe, fe, fe)
  # or
  me = fe+fe+fe
should also work. The value rank of a MixedElement constructed one of
these ways is undefined, since Functions should be defined over its
subelements anyway.

> Take a look in the new elements.py. I have added some information
>  about the ranks of different elements and a possibility to register
>  new elements. I don't think ScalarElement will be needed. Just as
>  before, we have two things: FiniteElement and MixedElement and then
>  VectorElement and TensorElement as special cases of MixedElement.
>  The file ufl_io.py was missing so I couldn't run the code, so it's
>  probably broken in a few places...

It works now. I removed the QuadratureElement and made it a family
instead. So we can write:

fe = FiniteElement("Quadrature", "triangle") # degree should be None by default
fe = VectorElement("Quadrature", "triangle")
fe = TensorElement("Quadrature", "triangle")
# or short form
fe = FiniteElement("Q", "triangle")

In addition, we need a quadrature element for functions evaluated only
at the boundary, since quadrature points in a cell may not lie on the
boundary at all:

fe = VectorElement("Boundary Quadrature", "triangle")

I'm not sure wether we need to have one for exterior facets and one
for interior facets though. We'll have to think about it over easter.


Follow ups
