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Re: Yip: An Unified Notification System for the Web


Steve Dodier wrote:
> What would be the practical use of it using libnotify when we're
> actually trying to get notifications to be used for system-to-user
> notifications and indicator-applet used for chat/im-apps-to-user
> communication ? Wouldn't it be even better to try to make this work
> with indicator-applet ?
I was wondering about that too!

A big part of our job in putting together the messaging indicator is
figuring out how to "defend the usability" of something that can be
messed up by a rogue app. For example, if an app spams the messaging
indicator, it spoils it for all the other apps. I would be nervous that
creating a mechanism for web sites to put entries in that indicator
could cause problems, but it's such an interesting idea that I think
it's worth considering in more detail.

The variety of notification API's suggests that some will have the same
need for a "callback". Not all of those fit into the messaging story,
but it's still worth considering.

We'll certainly have apps in the desktop which monitor web feeds, for
example, and they will definitely use both notifications and the
messaging menu. Gwibber, for example, is a desktop app which monitors a
web infrastructure (twitter, identi.ca) and can use the notifications
(and soon messaging menu).


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