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Re: memenu and appmenu


> Yes I know. But if I receive annoying messages from a place, I would
> stop them from the same place. This is the main point.
> I would control all messaging function from a menu, not two or more.
> Going offline or online is part of messaging.

Part of messagING, as in "using an instant messenger", but not
part of messagES, as in "an usual action when sending or
receiving messages". The Message Menu deals with messagES.

If you are receiving annoying messages, and changing your status
stops them, then you were in the wrong status to begin with. :)

And after solving the problem by changing the status, from then
on you would be left with status changing functions in the message
menu that you would not use the majority of time. For every message
you receive from then on, you would see those functions there,
cluttering the interface, without needing them.

I can understand your use case, but I'm having trouble not
considering it a corner one.

> At the same time, I receive messages from messaging menu, but I can
> send messages by MeMenu. It is confusing.
> IMHO there are no logical reasons for this behavior.

>From the messaging menu, you receive messages from specific

>From the me menu, you do not send instant messages. You send
broadcasts, which are *status updates* on your life or
thoughts, with no specific recipient.

You don't have to agree with the reasons and I myself do not
consider them perfect, but assuming that they don't exist
is wrong, and a little bit rude considering you could've
tried asking for them before simply assuming it is a
deliberately overlooked inconsistency. :)

Follow ups
