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Re: question


Em 15-04-2012 18:28, Evan Huus escreveu:
On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Elias K Gardner <zorkerz@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:zorkerz@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:clanlaw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Swiitch off Num Lock when assigning the key, that will allow
        Alt L to
        be assigned [1].  I have not tried it with Ctrl.

        Thanks to Evan Huus for pointing that out.



    Numlock being on or off does not affect the behavior for me. So
    far I can only get the shortcut back to Alt L with CCSM.

Perhaps it's a separate bug then, because numlock definitely changes the behaviour for me.

I used the ccsm to select the key that opens HUD and it worked. thx a lot! I guess you have other priorities like LIM, so you can't move HUD to Ctrl. I want to use Ubuntu alphas and betas to start suggesting as soon as a feature is released for testing.
Best regards,
Pedro Bessa
