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Re: HUD start proposal (joining: Alt (tap) + Alt (Press)


Am 05.05.2012 20:59, schrieb cpOno:
Hi all,*

HUD is the future no doubt about that* ... but needs to have intrinsically the effectiveness of the Application menus navigation,
at least (for now) to guaranty the reminder/sequence effect of the "1st order" menu options.

A proposal: why don't we join both HUD start actions (Alt(tap) + Alt(press) ) in one.

A simple mock-up below with Thunderbird 1st order menus [ Alt(tap) only ]:

**The place could be anywhere: top/below/ inside/drop-down, etc.

The rationale is basically that, there is a drawback for a new/mid user during the "app. menu" learning phase. And newcomers will thanks this one (my son which is learning Ubuntu right now, indirectly, came out with this simple & effective idea).
To me it looks very intuitive and simple.

_Most important_: it could a possible development direction in getting rid of the "Application menus" in the future.
Let see community opinion...

Keep your amazing work... "united for freedom of choice"
Carlos Palma

I have suggested something similar some time ago:

