unity-design team mailing list archive
unity-design team
Mailing list archive
Message #10328
Hello ubuntu design team
Hello Ubuntu design team
I use my Ubuntu touch as my main OS on the phone and wold like that you
reconsider the design in these areas.
I'v add images to demonstrate.
* The Ubuntu store button make a lot of wast space in his right side, I
prefer to see it as a long line in the bottom as edit in the picture.
* You decided that change text in the keyboard will be with drop down list
and it is vary anoing to users with only 2 languages and vary comfortable
to users with more than 2 languages. I think that the best option will be
both, tap to go to the next language and hold to get drop down list.
This way both of the users win.
* This one is less important, in the System Settings you can press on the
titles like: Network, personal, System so as a user you think that a
window will appear but it does nothing, in my opinion it shod be normal
label and the user will not be able to click on it.
Keep up the good work your OS is the bast, you only need import from SIM
card and video player and the OS is ready for the consumer [?] .

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