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Unity, multi-monitor and full-screen applications


Hi all,

Firstly I think 12.04 is shaping up to be excellent but there is one
(for me personally) big issue which is making it more difficult to use
than previous versions. With full-screen apps, the launcher and top menu
all appear back over the application when focus is lost.

Example: http://i.imgur.com/lMB38.jpg (large image warning)

There I've got a full-screen evince but more commonly it'll be to watch
a video whilst working or running a full-screen virtual machine.

There's currently an open bug about it
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/734908) but there
doesn't seem to be any movement so I just wanted to raise the issue as
it's one that affects a lot of users in a very small but very annoying way!
