Hi developers,
I just have a question: which is the latest stable release of compiz,
which officially supported by upstream, and should be packaged by
distributions as a stable package?
It looks like there are three options:
1. The official (legacy?) website[1] states that "The latest stable
release of Compiz is 0.8.8."
2. The timeline on Launchpad[2] states that the Current Stable Release
is the 0.9.8 series, and the latest release of this series is
3. The latest (development?) release on Launchpad download page[3] is
Which is the correct option?
[1] http://www.compiz.org/
[2] https://launchpad.net/compiz/+series
[3] https://launchpad.net/compiz/+download
György Balló
Arch Linux Trusted User