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[Merge] lp:~akwm/vm/operate-on-collapsed-subtree into lp:vm


Arik has proposed merging lp:~akwm/vm/operate-on-collapsed-subtree into lp:vm.

Requested reviews:
  VM development team (vm)
Related bugs:
  #605944 Wishlist: threads save tree

when option set and thread collapsed have save,label,set attribute applied to all messages in the sub-tree. This utilizes the thread-count property of threading and so if there are still issues assimilating new messages then this can have problems (i.e. if a message is deleted and not updated then the thread may record too many messages and this will apply beyond the end. Or if a new message isn't assimilated properly the count may be too low and messages skipped). If those issues are fixed then it works like advertised

Your team VM development team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~akwm/vm/operate-on-collapsed-subtree into lp:vm.
=== modified file 'lisp/vm-delete.el'
--- lisp/vm-delete.el	2010-08-10 13:06:42 +0000
+++ lisp/vm-delete.el	2010-08-13 17:34:42 +0000
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
 	    ;; vm-update-summary-and-mode-line eventually.
 	    (when (and vm-summary-enable-thread-folding
+		       (not (and vm-operate-on-collapsed-threads-as-one
+				 (eq count 1)))
 		       (> (vm-th-thread-count (car mlist)) 1))
 	      (with-current-buffer vm-summary-buffer
 		(vm-expand-thread (vm-th-thread-root (car mlist)))))))

=== modified file 'lisp/vm-folder.el'
--- lisp/vm-folder.el	2010-08-10 15:37:18 +0000
+++ lisp/vm-folder.el	2010-08-13 17:34:42 +0000
@@ -4478,6 +4478,18 @@
 	  (direction (if (< prefix 0) 'backward 'forward))
 	  (count (vm-abs prefix))
 	  (vm-message-pointer vm-message-pointer))
+      (when (and (= prefix 1)
+		 vm-summary-buffer 
+		 vm-summary-enable-thread-folding
+		 vm-summary-show-threads
+		 vm-operate-on-collapsed-threads-as-one
+		 (eq (vm-th-thread-root (car vm-message-pointer))
+		     (car vm-message-pointer))
+		 (not (let ((msg (car vm-message-pointer)))
+			(with-current-buffer vm-summary-buffer
+			  (vm-summary-expanded-root-p msg)))))
+	(setq count (+ count 
+		       (- (vm-th-thread-count (car vm-message-pointer)) 1))))
       (unless (eq vm-circular-folders t)
 	(vm-check-count prefix))
       (while (not (zerop count))

=== modified file 'lisp/vm-vars.el'
--- lisp/vm-vars.el	2010-08-12 20:53:14 +0000
+++ lisp/vm-vars.el	2010-08-13 17:34:42 +0000
@@ -5089,6 +5089,14 @@
   :group 'vm
   :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom vm-operate-on-collapsed-threads-as-one t
+  "*If non-nil and thread folding is enabled, operating on (e.g.
+deleting, adding labels, setting attributes, saving etc.) the
+root message of a collapsed thread will apply the operation to
+all sub-threads as well."
+  :group 'vm
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defvar vm-summary-threads-collapsed t
   "If non-nil, indicates that threads should be
 folded (collapsed) in VM summary windows.")