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VM frames


Hi All,

I've just noticed changed behaviour with the latest dev version of VM. I'm
not sure if this is due to changes in recent Emacs (24.0.50) or VM.
Unfortunately, emacs bzr  repository is currently unavailable, so I cannot
update to the most recent sources.

The change I've noticed is that new frames are not being placed on top of
the existing frame. For example, if I visit a new folder (and I have VM
configured to open new folders in a new frame), the new frame is under the
previously existing frame. On an older version of the VM code (816.1.157)
from Sun 2010-10-03 22:36:36, I don't seem to see this behaviour.

So, my two questions are -

1. Does anyone else see this changed behaviour and if so, what version so
both VM and emacs?
2. Is anyone aware of any changes that may have occured since the start of
October and now that may explain this (it could well be changes in Emacs - I
seem to remember similar reports for Xemacs users).

I plan to try and look into this further once I can get access to emacs bzr
again (savannah.gnu.org has been hacked again!), but thought I'd seek
suggestions/ideas from others on the list as well as see if I'm the only one
seeing htis or not.
