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whube-core team mailing list archive

Team Tools Update


Hello Whube Core!

I set up the groundwork for teams to show up.  In my branch, there is now
the possibility to do this:
 * http://bugs.thescoundrels.org/t/team-list
 * http://bugs.thescoundrels.org/t/team/The-League-of-Magnificent-Scoundrels

If you didn't notice, I made the url nice by adding dashes in place of
spaces on the links located in team-list.php which team.php will reconvert
back.  This will break any dashes in the name, but I did not think we would
be letting dashes be in the name ( yet at least ) .

I also updated the user.php to reflect whether a user is in a team or not,
with a link to the team. :3  This does not allow for a person to be part of
multiple teams yet, however.

Thomas Plastino Martin

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