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Re: [Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/cmake-reworked into lp:widelands


=== Long answer (shorter below) ===

command target_include_directories ( found in src/CMakeLists.txt:62 ) is not 
supported by cmake 2.8.9, which is what debian wheezy (=current stable) uses.

The next Debian release, which ships a new-enough cmake, is planned in early 

So-called "backports" repository of Wheezy contains cmake 2.8.11, which 
recognizes target_include_directories, but does not handle the SYSTEM 
command ( src/CMakeLists.txt:66, for example)

At the moment of writing, there is a work-around: compiling cmake 2.8.12 (or 
newer) from a so-called testing repository. However, from time to time Debian 
as made forward-incompatible changes to packages of future releases. If that 
would happen again, then this work-around would go away.

=== Short answer ===

Does not compile in Debian stable. If we plan another release this year, this 
might be an issue.

-fext-numeric-literals flag was introduced in gcc-4.8.0 (Wheezy ships with 
-Wpedantic is called -pedantic in gcc-4.7.2

Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/cmake-reworked.
