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[Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/stringfixes into lp:widelands


GunChleoc has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/stringfixes into lp:widelands.

Requested reviews:
  wl-zocker (wl-zocker)

For more details, see:

Various string fixes, mainly for the new tutorials.
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/stringfixes.
=== modified file 'campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-10-30 11:37:38 +0000
+++ campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-11-11 10:49:24 +0000
@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@
 obj_make_training_buildings = {
    name = "obj_make_training_buildings",
-   title = _"Build training buildings for soldiers",
+   title = _"Build training sites for soldiers",
    number = 2,
-   body = objective_text(_"Soldier Training Buildings",
-		_[[Like all other tribes, the Atlanteans are also able to train soldiers: the dungeon trains attack – the major attribute of the Atlanteans – and the labyrinth trains evasion, health and defense. The items produced by the industry are used to train better soldiers in the two training buildings.]] .. paragraphdivider() ..
+   body = objective_text(_"Soldier Training Sites",
+		_[[Like all other tribes, the Atlanteans are also able to train soldiers: the dungeon trains attack – the major attribute of the Atlanteans – and the labyrinth trains evasion, health and defense. The items produced by the industry are used to train better soldiers in the two training sites.]] .. paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Build a dungeon and a labyrinth]])

=== modified file 'campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-10-25 08:29:32 +0000
+++ campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-11-11 10:49:24 +0000
@@ -437,8 +437,8 @@
    body = rt(
       p(_[[You received some messages. See how the button at the bottom of the screen has changed appearance? You can destroy the quarries now as they are no longer of any use and just blocking space. To do so, there are two possibilities:]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
-      listitem_bullet(_[[Burning down the quarry: This is the fastest way of clearing the space. While the worker abandons the building, the wares are lost.]]) ..
-      listitem_bullet(_[[Dismantling the quarry: A builder will walk from the headquarters to dismantle the quarry piece by piece. Thereby, you regain some of the resources you used for the construction.]])
+      listitem_bullet(_[[Burning down the quarry: this is the fastest way of clearing the space. While the worker abandons the building, the wares are lost.]]) ..
+      listitem_bullet(_[[Dismantling the quarry: a builder will walk from the headquarters to dismantle the quarry piece by piece. Thereby, you regain some of the resources you used for the construction.]])
    h = 300,
    obj_name = "destroy_quarries",
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@
    title = _"Military Site Occupied",
    body = rt(
       h1(_"Your territory has just grown!") ..
-      p(_[[Great. Do you see how your territory has grown since your soldiers entered the sentry?]]) ..
+      p(_[[Great. Do you see how your territory has grown since your soldiers entered your new military building?]]) ..
       p(_[[Every military building has a certain conquer area – the more expensive the building, the more land it conquers.]])
    h = 300,

=== modified file 'campaigns/tutorial02_warfare.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/tutorial02_warfare.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-10-18 09:32:48 +0000
+++ campaigns/tutorial02_warfare.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-11-11 10:49:24 +0000
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
    position = "topright",
    title = _"Soldiers’ abilities",
    body = rt(
-      p(_[[A new soldier is created like a worker: When a military building needs a soldier, a carrier grabs the needed weapons and armor from a warehouse (or your headquarters) and walks up the road to your new building. Basic Barbarian soldiers do not use armor, they only need an ax.]]) ..
+      p(_[[A new soldier is created like a worker: when a military building needs a soldier, a carrier grabs the needed weapons and armor from a warehouse (or your headquarters) and walks up the road to your new building. Basic Barbarian soldiers do not use armor, they only need an ax.]]) ..
       p(_[[Take a look at the soldiers that are on their way to our military buildings. They look different from normal workers: they have a health bar over their head that displays their remaining health, and they have four symbols, which symbolize the individual soldier’s current levels in the four different categories: health, attack, defense and evade.]]) ..
       p(_[[If a barbarian soldier is fully trained, he has level 3 health, level 5 attack, level 0 defense and level 2 evade. This is one fearsome warrior then! The individual abilities have the following meaning:]])
    ) ..
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
       h1(_"The Battle Arena Has Been Constructed") ..
       p(_[[Very good. Our battle arena has been finished, and the soldiers are already walking towards it.]]) ..
       -- Not perfectly correct (some training steps need either bread or meat), but we do not want to confuse new players
-      p(_[[The needed wares are also delivered there. For successful training, you need bread and strongbeer. Most steps additionally require either fish or meat.]] .. " " ..
+      p(_[[The needed wares are also delivered there. For successful training, you need pitta bread and strongbeer. Most steps additionally require either fish or meat.]] .. " " ..
 		_[[For more information, you can have a look at the building’s help window, accessible via the question mark in every building’s window.]]) ..
       p(_[[To learn how far your soldiers have progressed in their training, you can have a look at their icons. They are modified by red dots:]])
    ) ..
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
    title = _"Soldier capacity",
    body = rt(
       h1(_"Adjusting the number of soldiers") ..
-      p(_[[There is another way how you can control the strength of a military building: By the number of soldiers stationed there. Just click on the arrow buttons to decrease or increase the desired number of soldiers. Every buildings has a maximum capacity. In case of the barrier, it is five, for example.]]) ..
+      p(_[[There is another way how you can control the strength of a military building: by the number of soldiers stationed there. Just click on the arrow buttons to decrease or increase the desired number of soldiers. Every buildings has a maximum capacity. In case of the barrier, it is five, for example.]]) ..
       p(_[[If you wish to send a certain soldier away, you can simply click on it. It will then be replaced by another soldier.]]) ..
       p(_[[Let me also describe what the numbers in the statistics string mean. This string can contain up to three numbers, e.g. ‘1 (+5) soldier (+2)’.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
@@ -142,13 +142,13 @@
    body = rt(
       h1(_"Dismantling military buildings") ..
       p(_[[You can only reduce the number of soldiers to one. The last soldier of a building will never come out (unless this building is attacked). If you want to have your soldier elsewhere, you will have to dismantle the building (buildings of an alien tribe cannot be dismantled, only be burned down).]]) ..
-      p(_[[However, destroying a military building is always linked with a risk: The land is still yours, but it is no longer protected. Any enemy that builds his own military sites can take over that land without a fight, causing your buildings to burst into flames. Furthermore, some parts of the land can now be hidden under the fog of war. You should therefore only dismantle military buildings deep inside your territory where you are safe from enemies.]]) ..
+      p(_[[However, destroying a military building is always linked with a risk: the land is still yours, but it is no longer protected. Any enemy that builds his own military sites can take over that land without a fight, causing your buildings to burst into flames. Furthermore, some parts of the land can now be hidden under the fog of war. You should therefore only dismantle military buildings deep inside your territory where you are safe from enemies.]]) ..
       p(_[[Have you seen your sentry? Since it cannot contain many soldiers and is next to a stronger barrier, it is rather useless.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
       -- TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the Barbarian sentry
       listitem_bullet(_[[Dismantle it.]])
    ) ..
-   rt(p(_[[You can also use this opportunity to become familiar with the other options: The heroes/rookies preference and the capacity.]])),
+   rt(p(_[[You can also use this opportunity to become familiar with the other options: the heroes/rookies preference and the capacity.]])),
    obj_name = "dismantle_sentry",
    obj_title = _"Dismantle your north-western sentry",
    obj_body = rt(

=== modified file 'campaigns/tutorial03_seafaring.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/tutorial03_seafaring.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-10-18 09:02:51 +0000
+++ campaigns/tutorial03_seafaring.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-11-11 10:49:24 +0000
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    body = rt(
       h1(_"Seafaring Tutorial") ..
       p(_[[Welcome back. In this tutorial, you are going to learn the most important things about seafaring, that is ships, ports, and expedition.]]) ..
-      p(_[[But let me first give you an overview about your territory: Here in the south, you have a whole economy with almost everything you need.]])
+      p(_[[But let me first give you an overview about your territory: here in the south, you have a whole economy with almost everything you need.]])
    h = 250
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
    body = rt(
       p(_[[Here in the northern part, you only have a goldmine and a warehouse. While the miners are supplied well with food, there is no way to transport the gold ore to our smelting works in the southern part.]]) ..
       p(_[[We have tried to build a road, but the mountain is too wide and too steep. We therefore have only one possibility: we need to establish a sea lane between these two parts.]]) ..
-      p(_[[But I don’t want to rush you: You have just arrived here and you would probably like to have a closer look at your camp. I will also take a short break and be back soon.]])
+      p(_[[But I don’t want to rush you: you have just arrived here and you would probably like to have a closer look at your camp. I will also take a short break and be back soon.]])
    h = 350
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
       paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Build a port next to your castle, on the blue port space icon.]]) ..
       listitem_arrow(_[[Ports are built like normal buildings, but are only available on blue port spaces. Just click on a field with the icon and the building menu automatically offers you to build a port.]]) ..
-      listitem_arrow(_[[Although ports act as warehouses, you should not build more than necessary: They cost quartz, diamonds and gold, which makes them quite expensive.]])
+      listitem_arrow(_[[Although ports act as warehouses, you should not build more than necessary: they cost quartz, diamonds and gold, which makes them quite expensive.]])
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
       h1(_"Congratulations") ..
       p(_[[You’ve lead the expedition to a successful end and founded a new colony. I’ve sent out some geologists – they already report that they’ve found some iron ore.]]) ..
       p(_[[In this scenario, you’ve learned everything about seafaring: how to build ports and ships and how to send out an expedition. Remember that expeditions are sometimes the fastest way to reach essential resources – and sometimes the only one.]]) ..
-      p(_[[But I want to speak a word of warning. Ports are like headquarters: They can be attacked by a nearby enemy. While your headquarters has soldiers to defend it, your newly built port won’t. You should therefore avoid  settling next to an enemy.]]) ..
+      p(_[[But I want to speak a word of warning. Ports are like headquarters: they can be attacked by a nearby enemy. While your headquarters has soldiers to defend it, your newly built port won’t. You should therefore avoid settling next to an enemy.]]) ..
       p(_[[On this map, there is no enemy to fear. As always, you can continue playing and watch how the ships deliver wares to the island when you construct some buildings there. There is also another island where you can build a port.]])
    h = 450

=== modified file 'campaigns/tutorial04_economy.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/tutorial04_economy.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-10-29 07:55:28 +0000
+++ campaigns/tutorial04_economy.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-11-11 10:49:24 +0000
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
    rt("image=pics/menu_toggle_menu.png",p(_[[First, you will have to open the statistics menu (you can find the corresponding button at the bottom). We will need this menu several times.]])) ..
    rt("image=pics/menu_building_stats.png",p(_[[Afterwards, choose the ‘Building statistics’.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
-      listitem_bullet(_[[Open the building statistic menu.]]) ..
+      listitem_bullet(_[[Open the building statistics window.]]) ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[When you have looked up the number of taverns, close it.]])
    h = 350,
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
       rt("image=pics/menu_building_stats.png", p(_[[The building statistics window gives you an overview over the buildings you have.]])) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
-      -- TRANSLATORS: "it" refers to the building statistic window
+      -- TRANSLATORS: "it" refers to the building statistics window
       listitem_bullet(_[[Open it. You can access it from the statistics menu.]]) ..
-      listitem_arrow(_[[The statistics menu is accessed via the second button at the bottom. It provides several menus that give you information about the game.]]) ..
+      listitem_arrow(_[[The statistics menu is accessed via the second button at the bottom. It provides several windows that give you information about the game.]]) ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Look up how many taverns you have (in the column ‘Owned’)]]) ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Close the building statistics window when you are done.]])
@@ -86,24 +86,24 @@
    rt("image=pics/menu_stock.png",p(_[[Click on the ‘Stock’ button.]])) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
-      listitem_arrow(_[[You can also use the hotkey ‘i’ (as in ‘inventory’) to access this menu quickly.]])
+      listitem_arrow(_[[You can also use the hotkey ‘i’ (as in ‘inventory’) to access this window quickly.]])
    h = 300,
    obj_name = "open_inventory",
    obj_title = _"Open your stock window.",
    obj_body = rt(
-      p(_[[The stock window gives you an overview over the wares you currently have.]]) ..
+      p(_[[The stock menu window gives you an overview over the wares you currently have.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
-      -- TRANSLATORS: "it" refers to the stock window
+      -- TRANSLATORS: "it" refers to the stock menu window
       listitem_bullet(_[[Open it. You can access it from the statistics menu.]]) ..
-      listitem_arrow(_[[The statistic menu is accessed via the second button at the bottom. It provides several menus that give you information about the game.]])
+      listitem_arrow(_[[The statistics menu is accessed via the second button at the bottom. It provides several windows that give you information about the game.]])
 inventory2 = {
    title = _"Stock",
    body = rt(
-      p(_[[The stock window has four tabs. The first (and currently selected) one shows you all your current wares, including those on roads, at flags and inside buildings waiting for processing.]]) ..
+      p(_[[The stock menu window has four tabs. The first (and currently selected) one shows you all your current wares, including those on roads, at flags and inside buildings waiting for processing.]]) ..
       p(_[[Looking at the rations, there are currently only five in total, probably on their way to somewhere. Five rations are not much for such a big economy.]]) ..
       p(_[[The second tab shows you all your workers, again those on roads and in buildings summed up.]]) ..
       p(_[[Now have a look at these two tabs. When you click on the]])) ..
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
    h = 350,
    show_instantly = true,
    obj_name = "switch_stock_tab",
-   obj_title = _"Switch to the third tab in the stock window.",
+   obj_title = _"Switch to the third tab in the stock menu window.",
    obj_body = rt(
-      p(_[[Have a look at the first two tabs in the stock window. They show all the wares and workers you have.]]) ..
+      p(_[[Have a look at the first two tabs in the stock menu window. They show all the wares and workers you have.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[When you have seen enough, switch to the third tab.]])
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
 reopen_stock_menu = {
-   title = _"You closed the stock menu!",
+   title = _"You closed the stock window!",
    body = rt(
       p(_[[You have closed the stock menu window, but I have not yet finished with my explanation. Would you please reopen it and choose the third tab?]])
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
 reopen_stock_menu_obj = {
    obj_name = "open_stock_menu_again",
-   obj_title = _"Open the stock menu again.",
+   obj_title = _"Open the stock window again.",
    obj_body = rt(
       p(_[[You closed the stock menu window before I finished telling you everything about it. If you already know everything, please feel free to leave this tutorial at any time.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
    title = _"New taverns",
    body = rt(
       h1(_[[We need new taverns]]) ..
-      p(_[[Now that you have an overview, you should act. I think we should build more than one tavern – two or three are better. Remember: ss long as we don’t produce rations, our miners won’t dig for ore. And without iron, we cannot forge a single helm.]]) ..
+      p(_[[Now that you have an overview, you should act. I think we should build more than one tavern – two or three are better. Remember: as long as we don’t produce rations, our miners won’t dig for ore. And without iron, we cannot forge a single helm.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Build at least two taverns.]])
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
    body = rt(
       h1(_[[Send the wares where they’re needed]]) ..
       p(_[[Great. Our taverns have now been built up and are supplying us with rations.]]) ..
-      p(_[[At the moment, all mines are supplied with rations. If you want to prioritize a special mine, you simply have to open its menu. In the wares tab, behind every ware, you can see ‘traffic lights’.]]) ..
+      p(_[[At the moment, all mines are supplied with rations. If you want to prioritize a special mine, you simply have to open its window. In the wares tab, behind every ware, you can see ‘traffic lights’.]]) ..
       p(_[[When you click on the red dot (low priority), the corresponding ware gets delivered less frequently. Green means that as many wares as possible should be delivered to this building, maybe because it produces something important.]]) ..
       p(_[[In our situation, you might want to work the bakeries as fast as possible because they supply our taverns, so you could set water to the highest priority for them. The other buildings (for example the donkey farm) would then get less water, but the bakery could work faster.]])
       -- we cannot check whether the user does this, so no objective
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
 ware_stats2 = {
    title = _"Ware Statistics",
    body = rt(
-      p(_[[In this window, you can select wares to see how their production or consumption has changed over time. Try it out with some wares.]]) ..
+      p(_[[In this menu window, you can select wares to see how their production or consumption has changed over time. Try it out with some wares.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[I’ll continue as soon as you click on the]])) ..
    rt("image=pics/menu_tab_wares_econ_health.png",p(_[[third tab (‘Economy Health’).]])
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
    h = 250,
    show_instantly = true,
    obj_name = "switch_ware_stat_tab_to_third",
-   obj_title = _"Switch to the third tab in the ware statistics window.",
+   obj_title = _"Switch to the third tab in the ware statistics menu window.",
    obj_body = rt(
       p(_[[The first two tabs show you the production and consumption of any ware. You can toggle them by simply clicking on them.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
    h = 250,
    show_instantly = true,
    obj_name = "switch_ware_stat_tab_to_forth",
-   obj_title = _"Switch to the last tab in the ware statistics window.",
+   obj_title = _"Switch to the last tab in the ware statistics menu window.",
    obj_body = rt(
       p(_[[The third tab shows you the economy health of the ware. When the value is positive, this means your stock is growing.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
 reopen_ware_stats1 = {
    title = _"You closed the ware statistics window!",
    body = rt(
-      p(_[[You have closed the ware statistics window, but I have not yet finished with my explanation. Would you please reopen it and choose the third tab?]])
+      p(_[[You have closed the ware statistics menu window, but I have not yet finished with my explanation. Would you please reopen it and choose the third tab?]])
    show_instantly = true,
    w = 300,
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@
    obj_name = "open_ware_stats_menu_again1",
    obj_title = _"Open the ware statistics window again.",
    obj_body = rt(
-      p(_[[You closed the ware statistics window before I had told you everything about it. If you already know everything, please feel free to leave this tutorial at any time.]]) ..
+      p(_[[You closed the ware statistics menu window before I finished telling you everything about it. If you already know everything, please feel free to leave this tutorial at any time.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
       -- TRANSLATORS: "it" refers to the ware statistics window.
       listitem_bullet(_[[Otherwise, please reopen it and choose the third tab.]])
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
 reopen_ware_stats2 = {
    title = _"You closed the ware statistics window!",
    body = rt(
-      p(_[[You have closed the ware statistics window, but I have not yet finished with my explanation. Would you please reopen it and choose the fourth tab?]])
+      p(_[[You have closed the ware statistics menu window, but I have not yet finished with my explanation. Would you please reopen it and choose the fourth tab?]])
    show_instantly = true,
    w = 300,
@@ -311,10 +311,10 @@
    obj_name = "open_ware_stats_menu_again2",
    obj_title = _"Open the ware statistics window again.",
    obj_body = rt(
-      p(_[[You closed the ware statistics window before I finished telling you everything about it. If you already know everything, please feel free to leave this tutorial at any time.]]) ..
+      p(_[[You closed the ware statistics menu window before I finished telling you everything about it. If you already know everything, please feel free to leave this tutorial at any time.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
       -- TRANSLATORS: "it" refers to the ware statistics window.
-      listitem_bullet(_[[Otherwise: Please reopen it and choose the fourth tab.]])
+      listitem_bullet(_[[Otherwise, please reopen it and choose the fourth tab.]])
@@ -322,21 +322,21 @@
    position = "topright",
    title = _"Economy options",
    body = rt(
-      p(_[[I’ve shown you our stock window, where you could see which wares are at the warehouses. You remember?]]) ..
-      p(_[[Now I’ll tell you how you can determine how many wares you want to have. The menu for this purpose can be accessed via any flag and is called ‘Configure economy’.]])) ..
+      p(_[[I’ve shown you our stock menu window, where you could see which wares are at the warehouses. You remember?]]) ..
+      p(_[[Now I’ll tell you how you can determine how many wares you want to have. The menu window for this purpose can be accessed via any flag and is called ‘Configure economy’.]])) ..
    -- Yup, that's indeed the correct icon
    rt("image=pics/genstats_nrwares.png",p(_[[This is the icon.]])) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
-      listitem_bullet(_[[Open this menu.]])
+      listitem_bullet(_[[Open this window.]])
    h = 350,
    obj_name = "open_economy_settings",
-   obj_title = _"Open the ‘Configure economy’ menu.",
+   obj_title = _"Open the ‘Configure economy’ window.",
    obj_body = rt(
       paragraphdivider() ..
-      listitem_bullet(_[[Open the ‘Configure economy’ menu.]]) ..
-      listitem_arrow(_[[The menu can be accessed by clicking on any flag you own.]])
+      listitem_bullet(_[[Open the ‘Configure economy’ window.]]) ..
+      listitem_arrow(_[[The window can be accessed by clicking on any flag you own.]])
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
       paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[To be prepared for additional fortifications, you should produce 20 marble columns.]]) ..
       listitem_arrow(_[[Your stonemason will not produce marble columns when they are not needed. You have to increase the target quantity.]]) ..
-      listitem_arrow(_[[To do so, click on any flag and choose ‘Configure economy’. In this menu, you can decide how many wares of each type you wish to have in stock.]])
+      listitem_arrow(_[[To do so, click on any flag and choose ‘Configure economy’. In this menu window, you can decide how many wares of each type you wish to have in stock.]])

=== modified file 'src/network/internet_gaming.cc'
--- src/network/internet_gaming.cc	2014-09-20 09:37:47 +0000
+++ src/network/internet_gaming.cc	2014-11-11 10:49:24 +0000
@@ -828,7 +828,9 @@
 	if ((str != "true") && (str != "false"))
 		throw WLWarning
 			(_("Conversion error"),
-			_("Conversion from std::string to bool failed. String was \"%s\""), str.c_str());
+			/** TRANSLATORS: Geeky message from the metaserver */
+			/** TRANSLATORS: This message is shown if %s isn't "true" or "false" */
+			_("Unable to determine truth value for \"%s\""), str.c_str());
 	return str == "true";

=== modified file 'tribes/barbarians/lumberjacks_hut/help.lua'
--- tribes/barbarians/lumberjacks_hut/help.lua	2014-07-25 12:19:33 +0000
+++ tribes/barbarians/lumberjacks_hut/help.lua	2014-11-11 10:49:24 +0000
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 	--Lore Section
-	building_help_lore_string("barbarians", building_description, _[["Take 200 hits to fell a tree and you're a baby. Take 100 and you're a soldier. Take 50 and you're a hero. Take 20 and soon you will be a honorable lumberjack."]],_[[Krumta, carpenter of Chat'Karuth]]) ..
+	building_help_lore_string("barbarians", building_description, _[[‘Take 200 hits to fell a tree and you’re a baby. Take 100 and you’re a soldier. Take 50 and you’re a hero. Take 20 and soon you will be a honorable lumberjack.’]],_[[Krumta, carpenter of Chat’Karuth]]) ..
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("barbarians", building_description,
 		_"Fell trees in the surrounding area and process them into logs.",
-		_"The lumberjack's hut needs trees to fell within the working radius.") ..
+		_"The lumberjack’s hut needs trees to fell within the working radius.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("barbarians", building_description, true) ..

Follow ups