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Re: [Merge] lp:~franku/widelands-website/handle_big_images into lp:widelands-website


Thanks for spending time to investigate this issue further :-)

A short conclusion:

> ('#sirver name: ', u'/var/www/django_projects/wlwebsite/code/widelands/media//wlimages/WL_barbarian_tribe_1024x768middle2')

Here is the file extension ".png" missing. This is maybe caused by he length of the string? I downloaded this file, renamed a bit (just changed a number) to prevend the "File allready exist"error, and tried to upload this to http://alpha.widelands.org/wiki/edit/WikiSandbox/ and got the error "Data truncated for column 'image' at row 1".

This string is exactly 100 charaters long. But as other articles with attached shorter imagenames doesn't work at all, i don't know if this cause "our" problem. As an example  http://alpha.widelands.org/wiki/Main%20Page/ has only one image with name "wl-ico-128.png" (and couldn't be edited at all)

> ('#sirver: %s', ValueError(u'The joined path (/var/www/django_projects/wlwebsite/code/widelands/media/wlimages/WL_barbarian_tribe_1024x768middle 2) is located outside of the base path component (/var/www/django_projects/alpha/wlwebsite/code/widelands/media)',))

Here is an additional space in the filename "...middle 2"

I've downloaded this image and tested this at home, but it works as expected. I tested also to use the same image with spaces in filename and with missing extension. All of them work at home...

Until now i don't know where this additional space came from. I thought about, that it was maybe uploaded without extension or with spaces in filename and afterwards a new file without this "naming failure" was uploaded. If that is case, on the admin site on alpha should be more than one image shown for the babarian page, but i found only one image.

To be continued...
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch lp:widelands-website.
