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Re: [Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1390793 into lp:widelands


I see you spend quite a lot of time on this, I am not able to judge the code, but from user interface point of view - few comments and/or ideas.

1. Why is there the seafaring checkbox - should not be this be recognized from the map itself - if there are portspaces then the map is seafaring, right?

2. "The name of this map" could be changed to "The name of the map. Use the Map Options to change it". Also for Author and Descriptions there could have tooltips "Use the Map Options to update"

3. Load Map dialog window: I could add "File:" item below "Map:" item (right hand column)

4. Generally I dont like positioning of changer "Show filenames/ map names" on the top left corner, but I dont know what would be the better position.

5. How can I say what origins are currently defined? it might be listed in "Map options" window, below "Size: ... x ..." information. Or even better - but more work - it would be nice to have fourth tab available with map preview, that would reflect the selected origins. But this is perhpas out of scope of your work now. 

6. If 5 were implemented, the first table of "Map Options" could have a pen on the bookmark and the new tab with preview, could have a map on bookmark (or whatever is it called)

7. re: "Save Map: now uses Maptable and always shows the details for the map to be saved rather than the file selected on the list." - this migh be confusing. List of existing maps is something secondary that might be used and might not. Main part is the Map Options. Could we add "Filename" (or "Current filename") item under "Map:" name - if filename was ever defined and leave "Filename" textbox empty and rename it to "New Filename" - to indicate that no need to bother with this if you are just modifying existing the map?

8. textbox with filename on "Save Map" window could have a tooltip "Type custom name or use above list to everwrite existing map file"
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1390793 into lp:widelands.
