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[Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/travis-container into lp:widelands


Hans Joachim Desserud has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/travis-container into lp:widelands.

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)

For more details, see:

WIP, sorry for spamming the list of merge proposals, but this seems like the easiest way to get travis to build my branches.

Should be possible to tell travis about which additional repos and packages we need which means we can skip doing it manually as part of the script.

No, I don't know how this will add up with the osx branch, I guess time will show. Oh, and due to the llvm repos I doubt we can get rid of sudo completely :/ Will add details after more experimentation.
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/travis-container into lp:widelands.
=== modified file '.travis.sh'
--- .travis.sh	2017-07-03 12:24:47 +0000
+++ .travis.sh	2017-07-16 16:30:29 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
 # Some of these commands fail transiently. We keep retrying them until they
 # succeed.
-if [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then
-   until sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y; do sleep 10; done
+# Already done in the yml file now...
+#if [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then
+#   until sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y; do sleep 10; done
 if [ "$CXX" = "clang++" ]; then
   until sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://llvm.org/apt/trusty/ llvm-toolchain-trusty-$CLANG_VERSION main"; do sleep 10; done;
   wget -O - http://llvm.org/apt/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -

=== modified file '.travis.yml'
--- .travis.yml	2017-05-03 18:55:33 +0000
+++ .travis.yml	2017-07-16 16:30:29 +0000
@@ -13,37 +13,46 @@
     - _widelands_dev_widelands_trunk
+# Let travis add additional repos for us (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/migrating-from-legacy/#Adding-APT-Sources)
+# These are based on a whitelist, see https://github.com/travis-ci/apt-source-whitelist for details
+  apt:
+    sources:
+      - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
-     - compiler: clang
-       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.4" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
-     - compiler: clang
-       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.5" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
-     - compiler: clang
-       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.9" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
+# Reduce number of builds for faster feedback
+#     - compiler: clang
+#       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.4" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
+#     - compiler: clang
+#       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.5" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
+#     - compiler: clang
+#       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.9" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
      - compiler: clang
        env: CLANG_VERSION="4.0" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
-     - compiler: clang
-       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.4" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
-     - compiler: clang
-       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.5" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
-     - compiler: clang
-       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.9" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
-     - compiler: clang
-       env: CLANG_VERSION="4.0" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
-     - compiler: gcc
-       env: GCC_VERSION="4.8" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
-     - compiler: gcc
-       env: GCC_VERSION="4.9" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
-     - compiler: gcc
-       env: GCC_VERSION="6" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
+#     - compiler: clang
+#       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.4" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
+#     - compiler: clang
+#       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.5" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
+#     - compiler: clang
+#       env: CLANG_VERSION="3.9" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
+#     - compiler: clang
+#       env: CLANG_VERSION="4.0" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
+#     - compiler: gcc
+#       env: GCC_VERSION="4.8" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
+#     - compiler: gcc
+#       env: GCC_VERSION="4.9" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
+#     - compiler: gcc
+#       env: GCC_VERSION="6" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
      - compiler: gcc
        env: GCC_VERSION="7" BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
-     - compiler: gcc
-       env: GCC_VERSION="4.8" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
-     - compiler: gcc
-       env: GCC_VERSION="4.9" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
-     - compiler: gcc
-       env: GCC_VERSION="6" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
-     - compiler: gcc
-       env: GCC_VERSION="7" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
+#     - compiler: gcc
+#       env: GCC_VERSION="4.8" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
+#     - compiler: gcc
+#       env: GCC_VERSION="4.9" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
+#     - compiler: gcc
+#       env: GCC_VERSION="6" BUILD_TYPE="Release"
+#     - compiler: gcc
+#       env: GCC_VERSION="7" BUILD_TYPE="Release"

Follow ups