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Re: [Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/unify-program-parsers into lp:widelands


Looking mostly good, two comments in the diff.

I went through it commit by commit while ignoring the merges of trunk and list-directories-in-cpp. I hope that is okay? I am a bit unsure about that since there seem to be changes in the full diff that I can't find in the single commits.

Diff comments:

> === modified file 'src/logic/editor_game_base.cc'
> --- src/logic/editor_game_base.cc	2019-04-26 05:52:49 +0000
> +++ src/logic/editor_game_base.cc	2019-06-06 06:00:01 +0000
> @@ -113,50 +113,57 @@
>   * throws an exception if something goes wrong
>   */
>  void EditorGameBase::create_tempfile_and_save_mapdata(FileSystem::Type const type) {
> -	// should only be called when a map was already loaded
> -	assert(map_.filesystem());
> -
> -	g_fs->ensure_directory_exists(kTempFileDir);
> -
> -	std::string filename = kTempFileDir + g_fs->file_separator() + timestring() + "_mapdata";
> -	std::string complete_filename = filename + kTempFileExtension;
> -
> -	// if a file with that name already exists, then try a few name modifications
> -	if (g_fs->file_exists(complete_filename)) {
> -		int suffix;
> -		for (suffix = 0; suffix <= 9; suffix++) {
> -			complete_filename = filename + "-" + std::to_string(suffix) + kTempFileExtension;
> -			if (!g_fs->file_exists(complete_filename))
> -				break;
> -		}
> -		if (suffix > 9) {
> -			throw wexception("EditorGameBase::create_tempfile_and_save_mapdata(): for all considered "
> -			                 "filenames a file already existed");
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	// create tmp_fs_
> -	tmp_fs_.reset(g_fs->create_sub_file_system(complete_filename, type));
> -
> -	// save necessary map data (we actually save the whole map)
> -	std::unique_ptr<Widelands::MapSaver> wms(new Widelands::MapSaver(*tmp_fs_, *this));
> -	wms->save();
> -
> -	// swap map fs
> -	std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> mapfs(tmp_fs_->make_sub_file_system("."));
> -	map_.swap_filesystem(mapfs);
> -	mapfs.reset();
> -
> -	// This is just a convenience hack:
> -	// If tmp_fs_ is a zip filesystem then - because of the way zip filesystems are currently
> -	// implemented -
> -	// the file is still in zip mode right now, which means that the file isn't finalized yet, i.e.,
> -	// not even a valid zip file until zip mode ends. To force ending the zip mode (thus finalizing
> -	// the file)
> -	// we simply perform a (otherwise useless) filesystem request.
> -	// It's not strictly necessary, but this way we get a valid zip file immediately istead of
> -	// at some unkown later point (when an unzip operation happens or a filesystem object destructs).
> -	tmp_fs_->file_exists("binary");
> +	if (!map_.filesystem()) {
> +		return;

Is silently doing nothing the right behavior here? Shouldn't it throw a wrong_gamestate or something like that?

> +	}
> +
> +	// save map data to temporary file and reassign map fs
> +	try {
> +		g_fs->ensure_directory_exists(kTempFileDir);
> +
> +		std::string filename = kTempFileDir + g_fs->file_separator() + timestring() + "_mapdata";
> +		std::string complete_filename = filename + kTempFileExtension;
> +
> +		// if a file with that name already exists, then try a few name modifications
> +		if (g_fs->file_exists(complete_filename)) {
> +			int suffix;
> +			for (suffix = 0; suffix <= 9; suffix++) {
> +				complete_filename = filename + "-" + std::to_string(suffix) + kTempFileExtension;
> +				if (!g_fs->file_exists(complete_filename))
> +					break;
> +			}
> +			if (suffix > 9) {
> +				throw wexception("EditorGameBase::create_tempfile_and_save_mapdata(): for all considered "
> +								 "filenames a file already existed");
> +			}
> +		}
> +
> +		// create tmp_fs_
> +		tmp_fs_.reset(g_fs->create_sub_file_system(complete_filename, type));
> +
> +		// save necessary map data (we actually save the whole map)
> +		std::unique_ptr<Widelands::MapSaver> wms(new Widelands::MapSaver(*tmp_fs_, *this));
> +		wms->save();
> +
> +		// swap map fs
> +		std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> mapfs(tmp_fs_->make_sub_file_system("."));
> +		map_.swap_filesystem(mapfs);
> +		mapfs.reset();
> +
> +		// This is just a convenience hack:
> +		// If tmp_fs_ is a zip filesystem then - because of the way zip filesystems are currently
> +		// implemented -
> +		// the file is still in zip mode right now, which means that the file isn't finalized yet, i.e.,
> +		// not even a valid zip file until zip mode ends. To force ending the zip mode (thus finalizing
> +		// the file)
> +		// we simply perform a (otherwise useless) filesystem request.
> +		// It's not strictly necessary, but this way we get a valid zip file immediately istead of
> +		// at some unkown later point (when an unzip operation happens or a filesystem object destructs).
> +		tmp_fs_->file_exists("binary");
> +	} catch (const WException& e) {
> +		log("EditorGameBase: saving map to temporary file failed: %s", e.what());
> +		throw;
> +	}
>  }
>  void EditorGameBase::think() {
> === modified file 'src/logic/map_objects/immovable.cc'
> --- src/logic/map_objects/immovable.cc	2019-05-26 17:21:15 +0000
> +++ src/logic/map_objects/immovable.cc	2019-06-06 06:00:01 +0000
> @@ -761,391 +697,6 @@
>  	return loader.release();
>  }
> -ImmovableProgram::Action::~Action() {
> -}
> -
> -ImmovableProgram::ActAnimate::ActAnimate(char* parameters, ImmovableDescr& descr) {
> -	try {
> -		bool reached_end;
> -		animation_name_ = std::string(next_word(parameters, reached_end));
> -		if (!descr.is_animation_known(animation_name_)) {
> -			throw GameDataError("Unknown animation: %s.", animation_name_.c_str());
> -		}
> -
> -		if (!reached_end) {  //  The next parameter is the duration.
> -			char* endp;
> -			long int const value = strtol(parameters, &endp, 0);
> -			if (*endp || value <= 0)
> -				throw GameDataError("expected %s but found \"%s\"", "duration in ms", parameters);
> -			duration_ = value;
> -		} else {
> -			duration_ = 0;  //  forever
> -		}
> -	} catch (const WException& e) {
> -		throw GameDataError("animate: %s", e.what());
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/// Use convolutuion to make the animation time a random variable with binomial
> -/// distribution and the configured time as the expected value.
> -void ImmovableProgram::ActAnimate::execute(Game& game, Immovable& immovable) const {
> -	immovable.start_animation(game, immovable.descr().get_animation(animation_name_, &immovable));
> -	immovable.program_step(
> -	   game, duration_ ? 1 + game.logic_rand() % duration_ + game.logic_rand() % duration_ : 0);
> -}
> -
> -ImmovableProgram::ActPlaySound::ActPlaySound(char* parameters, const ImmovableDescr&) {
> -	try {
> -		bool reached_end;
> -		std::string name = next_word(parameters, reached_end);
> -
> -		if (!reached_end) {
> -			char* endp;
> -			unsigned long long int const value = strtoull(parameters, &endp, 0);
> -			priority = value;
> -			if (*endp || priority != value)
> -				throw GameDataError("expected %s but found \"%s\"", "priority", parameters);
> -		} else
> -			priority = 127;
> -
> -		fx = g_sh->register_fx(SoundType::kAmbient, name);
> -	} catch (const WException& e) {
> -		throw GameDataError("playsound: %s", e.what());
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/** Demand from the g_sound_handler to play a certain sound effect.
> - * Whether the effect actually gets played
> - * is decided only by the sound server*/
> -void ImmovableProgram::ActPlaySound::execute(Game& game, Immovable& immovable) const {
> -	Notifications::publish(NoteSound(SoundType::kAmbient, fx, immovable.get_position(), priority));
> -	immovable.program_step(game);
> -}
> -
> -ImmovableProgram::ActTransform::ActTransform(char* parameters, ImmovableDescr& descr) {
> -	try {
> -		tribe = true;
> -		bob = false;
> -		probability = 0;
> -
> -		std::vector<std::string> params = split_string(parameters, " ");
> -		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) {
> -			if (params[i] == "bob")
> -				bob = true;
> -			else if (params[i] == "immovable")
> -				bob = false;
> -			else if (params[i][0] >= '0' && params[i][0] <= '9') {
> -				long int const value = atoi(params[i].c_str());
> -				if (value < 1 || 254 < value)
> -					throw GameDataError("expected %s but found \"%s\"", "probability in range [1, 254]",
> -					                    params[i].c_str());
> -				probability = value;
> -			} else {
> -				std::vector<std::string> segments = split_string(params[i], ":");
> -
> -				if (segments.size() > 2)
> -					throw GameDataError("object type has more than 2 segments");
> -				if (segments.size() == 2) {
> -					if (segments[0] == "world")
> -						tribe = false;
> -					else if (segments[0] == "tribe") {
> -						if (descr.owner_type() != MapObjectDescr::OwnerType::kTribe)
> -							throw GameDataError("scope \"tribe\" does not match the immovable type");
> -						tribe = true;
> -					} else
> -						throw GameDataError("unknown scope \"%s\" given for target type (must be "
> -						                    "\"world\" or \"tribe\")",
> -						                    parameters);
> -
> -					type_name = segments[1];
> -				} else {
> -					type_name = segments[0];
> -				}
> -			}
> -		}
> -		if (type_name == descr.name())
> -			throw GameDataError("illegal transformation to the same type");
> -	} catch (const WException& e) {
> -		throw GameDataError("transform: %s", e.what());
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -void ImmovableProgram::ActTransform::execute(Game& game, Immovable& immovable) const {
> -	if (probability == 0 || game.logic_rand() % 256 < probability) {
> -		Player* player = immovable.get_owner();
> -		Coords const c = immovable.get_position();
> -		MapObjectDescr::OwnerType owner_type = immovable.descr().owner_type();
> -		immovable.remove(game);  //  Now immovable is a dangling reference!
> -
> -		if (bob) {
> -			game.create_ship(c, type_name, player);
> -		} else {
> -			game.create_immovable_with_name(
> -			   c, type_name, owner_type, player, nullptr /* former_building_descr */);
> -		}
> -	} else
> -		immovable.program_step(game);
> -}
> -
> -ImmovableProgram::ActGrow::ActGrow(char* parameters, ImmovableDescr& descr) {
> -	if (!descr.has_terrain_affinity()) {
> -		throw GameDataError(
> -		   "Immovable %s can 'grow', but has no terrain_affinity entry.", descr.name().c_str());
> -	}
> -
> -	try {
> -		tribe = true;
> -		for (char* p = parameters;;)
> -			switch (*p) {
> -			case ':': {
> -				*p = '\0';
> -				++p;
> -				if (descr.owner_type() != MapObjectDescr::OwnerType::kTribe)
> -					throw GameDataError("immovable type not in tribes but target type has scope "
> -					                    "(\"%s\")",
> -					                    parameters);
> -				else if (strcmp(parameters, "world"))
> -					throw GameDataError("scope \"%s\" given for target type (must be "
> -					                    "\"world\")",
> -					                    parameters);
> -				tribe = false;
> -				parameters = p;
> -				break;
> -			}
> -			case '\0':
> -				goto end;
> -			default:
> -				++p;
> -				break;
> -			}
> -	end:
> -		type_name = parameters;
> -	} catch (const WException& e) {
> -		throw GameDataError("grow: %s", e.what());
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -void ImmovableProgram::ActGrow::execute(Game& game, Immovable& immovable) const {
> -	const Map& map = game.map();
> -	FCoords const f = map.get_fcoords(immovable.get_position());
> -	const ImmovableDescr& descr = immovable.descr();
> -
> -	if ((game.logic_rand() % TerrainAffinity::kPrecisionFactor) <
> -	    probability_to_grow(descr.terrain_affinity(), f, map, game.world().terrains())) {
> -		MapObjectDescr::OwnerType owner_type = descr.owner_type();
> -		Player* owner = immovable.get_owner();
> -		immovable.remove(game);  //  Now immovable is a dangling reference!
> -		game.create_immovable_with_name(
> -		   f, type_name, owner_type, owner, nullptr /* former_building_descr */);
> -	} else {
> -		immovable.program_step(game);
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -/**
> - * remove
> - */
> -ImmovableProgram::ActRemove::ActRemove(char* parameters, ImmovableDescr&) {
> -	try {
> -		if (*parameters) {
> -			char* endp;
> -			long int const value = strtol(parameters, &endp, 0);
> -			if (*endp || value < 1 || 254 < value)
> -				throw GameDataError(
> -				   "expected %s but found \"%s\"", "probability in range [1, 254]", parameters);
> -			probability = value;
> -		} else
> -			probability = 0;
> -	} catch (const WException& e) {
> -		throw GameDataError("remove: %s", e.what());
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -void ImmovableProgram::ActRemove::execute(Game& game, Immovable& immovable) const {
> -	if (probability == 0 || game.logic_rand() % 256 < probability)
> -		immovable.remove(game);  //  Now immovable is a dangling reference!
> -	else
> -		immovable.program_step(game);
> -}
> -
> -ImmovableProgram::ActSeed::ActSeed(char* parameters, ImmovableDescr& descr) {
> -	try {
> -		probability = 0;
> -		for (char* p = parameters;;)
> -			switch (*p) {
> -			case ':': {
> -				*p = '\0';
> -				++p;
> -				if (descr.owner_type() != MapObjectDescr::OwnerType::kTribe)
> -					throw GameDataError("immovable type not in tribes but target type has scope "
> -					                    "(\"%s\")",
> -					                    parameters);
> -				else if (strcmp(parameters, "world"))
> -					throw GameDataError("scope \"%s\" given for target type (must be "
> -					                    "\"world\")",
> -					                    parameters);
> -				parameters = p;
> -				break;
> -			}
> -			case ' ': {
> -				*p = '\0';
> -				++p;
> -				char* endp;
> -				long int const value = strtol(p, &endp, 0);
> -				if (*endp || value < 1 || 254 < value)
> -					throw GameDataError(
> -					   "expected %s but found \"%s\"", "probability in range [1, 254]", p);
> -				probability = value;
> -				//  fallthrough
> -			}
> -			case '\0':
> -				goto end;
> -			default:
> -				++p;
> -				break;
> -			}
> -	end:
> -		type_name = parameters;
> -	} catch (const WException& e) {
> -		throw GameDataError("seed: %s", e.what());
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -void ImmovableProgram::ActSeed::execute(Game& game, Immovable& immovable) const {
> -	const Map& map = game.map();
> -	FCoords const f = map.get_fcoords(immovable.get_position());
> -	const ImmovableDescr& descr = immovable.descr();
> -
> -	if ((game.logic_rand() % TerrainAffinity::kPrecisionFactor) <
> -	    probability_to_grow(descr.terrain_affinity(), f, map, game.world().terrains())) {
> -		// Seed a new tree.
> -		MapFringeRegion<> mr(map, Area<>(f, 0));
> -		uint32_t fringe_size = 0;
> -		do {
> -			mr.extend(map);
> -			fringe_size += 6;
> -		} while (game.logic_rand() % std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() < probability);
> -
> -		for (uint32_t n = game.logic_rand() % fringe_size; n; --n) {
> -			mr.advance(map);
> -		}
> -
> -		const FCoords new_location = map.get_fcoords(mr.location());
> -		if (!new_location.field->get_immovable() &&
> -		    (new_location.field->nodecaps() & MOVECAPS_WALK) &&
> -		    (game.logic_rand() % TerrainAffinity::kPrecisionFactor) <
> -		       probability_to_grow(
> -		          descr.terrain_affinity(), new_location, map, game.world().terrains())) {
> -			game.create_immovable_with_name(mr.location(), type_name, descr.owner_type(),
> -			                                nullptr /* owner */, nullptr /* former_building_descr */);
> -		}
> -	}
> -
> -	immovable.program_step(game);
> -}
> -
> -ImmovableProgram::ActConstruct::ActConstruct(char* parameters, ImmovableDescr& descr) {
> -	try {
> -		if (descr.owner_type() != MapObjectDescr::OwnerType::kTribe)
> -			throw GameDataError("only usable for tribe immovable");
> -
> -		std::vector<std::string> params = split_string(parameters, " ");
> -
> -		if (params.size() != 3)
> -			throw GameDataError("usage: animation-name buildtime decaytime");
> -
> -		buildtime_ = atoi(params[1].c_str());
> -		decaytime_ = atoi(params[2].c_str());
> -
> -		animation_name_ = params[0];
> -		if (!descr.is_animation_known(animation_name_)) {
> -			throw GameDataError("unknown animation \"%s\" in immovable program for immovable \"%s\"",
> -			                    animation_name_.c_str(), descr.name().c_str());
> -		}
> -	} catch (const WException& e) {
> -		throw GameDataError("construct: %s", e.what());
> -	}
> -}
> -
> -constexpr uint8_t kCurrentPacketVersionConstructionData = 1;
> -
> -struct ActConstructData : ImmovableActionData {
> -	const char* name() const override {
> -		return "construct";
> -	}
> -	void save(FileWrite& fw, Immovable& imm) override {
> -		fw.unsigned_8(kCurrentPacketVersionConstructionData);
> -		delivered.save(fw, imm.get_owner()->tribe());
> -	}
> -
> -	static ActConstructData* load(FileRead& fr, Immovable& imm) {
> -		ActConstructData* d = new ActConstructData;
> -
> -		try {
> -			uint8_t packet_version = fr.unsigned_8();
> -			if (packet_version == kCurrentPacketVersionConstructionData) {
> -				d->delivered.load(fr, imm.get_owner()->tribe());
> -			} else {
> -				throw UnhandledVersionError(
> -				   "ActConstructData", packet_version, kCurrentPacketVersionConstructionData);
> -			}
> -		} catch (const WException& e) {
> -			delete d;
> -			d = nullptr;
> -			throw GameDataError("ActConstructData: %s", e.what());
> -		}
> -
> -		return d;
> -	}
> -
> -	Buildcost delivered;
> -};
> -
> -void ImmovableProgram::ActConstruct::execute(Game& g, Immovable& imm) const {
> -	ActConstructData* d = imm.get_action_data<ActConstructData>();
> -	if (!d) {
> -		// First execution
> -		d = new ActConstructData;
> -		imm.set_action_data(d);
> -
> -		imm.start_animation(g, imm.descr().get_animation(animation_name_, &imm));
> -		imm.anim_construction_total_ = imm.descr().buildcost().total();
> -	} else {
> -		// Perhaps we are called due to the construction timeout of the last construction step
> -		Buildcost remaining;
> -		imm.construct_remaining_buildcost(g, &remaining);
> -		if (remaining.empty()) {
> -			imm.program_step(g);
> -			return;
> -		}
> -
> -		// Otherwise, this is a decay timeout
> -		uint32_t totaldelivered = 0;
> -		for (Buildcost::const_iterator it = d->delivered.begin(); it != d->delivered.end(); ++it)
> -			totaldelivered += it->second;
> -
> -		if (!totaldelivered) {
> -			imm.remove(g);
> -			return;
> -		}
> -
> -		uint32_t randdecay = g.logic_rand() % totaldelivered;
> -		for (Buildcost::iterator it = d->delivered.begin(); it != d->delivered.end(); ++it) {
> -			if (randdecay < it->second) {
> -				it->second--;

You dropped the line with
while refactoring. Was this on purpose? It seems to be the line that really does something in this loop.
Due to this change(?), it seems like half-build ships are no longer rotting away with this branch.

> -				break;
> -			}
> -
> -			randdecay -= it->second;
> -		}
> -
> -		imm.anim_construction_done_ = d->delivered.total();
> -	}
> -
> -	imm.program_step_ = imm.schedule_act(g, decaytime_);
> -}
> -
>  /**
>   * For an immovable that is currently in construction mode, return \c true and
>   * compute the remaining buildcost.

Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/unify-program-parsers into lp:widelands.
