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[Blueprint wintermute-database-init] Laying the Database Foundation


Blueprint changed by UndiFineD:

Whiteboard changed:
- More discussion has to be made in terms on Wintermute's core database
- and the means of extracting information from and to it.
+ Each neuron can be stored small or large, it does not matter
+ neurons are inside a network, so they have input and output, and a relation to a neuron
+ Now those with minor experience would say, you cannot store it all,
+ especially when we are building a huge network inside a database,
+ however we can queue storage and limit storage operations by collecting
+ multiple and store them per interval or queue size.
+ Maybe mysql is not the best server for this... I would prefer to use one that can make use of multiple CPU cores.
+ In the end a DBMS is file storage, if you can afford a little uncertainty, all storage operations can simply be written to CSV
+ So whatever the grand design of things may become, do not worry about IO
+ performance.

Laying the Database Foundation