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Message #00047
Re: [Merge] ~mthaddon/charm-k8s-wordpress/+git/wordpress-k8s-image-builder:build-focal into ~wordpress-charmers/charm-k8s-wordpress/+git/wordpress-k8s-image-builder:master
Review: Needs Fixing
Couple of things:
1. Let's tag with series, e.g. wordpress:bionic-latest and wordpress:focal-latest
2. Making fetch/build separate steps without a dependency means we can (accidentally) build an image without the themes/plugins included. I don't think we want to block this, but warning the user if e.g. files/themes/ and files/plugins/ dirs are empty might be good.
3. These are going to clash (one of us will need to fix, fine if you think that's me!):
Your team Wordpress Charmers is subscribed to branch ~wordpress-charmers/charm-k8s-wordpress/+git/wordpress-k8s-image-builder:master.